p.s. just saw; "original poster" used #17" there is a zip file with the code. (I could download it to my computer today and it also compiled fine on my Arduino IDE)
unfortunately there are a number of different versions around. All of them appear to be wrong.

(at least the ones I had a closer look at) So it becomes a little more involved depends what you need.
You might want to check the discussion here.
The older posted versions have a rounding error and they do count wrong for certain combinations were the rounding error matters.
(some people were and are still using the wrong software happily and have no issues, if the numbers are good or the error is not important then it will be fine)
The version that I "butchered" fixed the rounding error for divisions, but in the process reversing was "damaged" and, the angle advancement might have rounding errors. Sometimes the display does "wrong things" when the layout does not match the present numbers. (might also apply to older versions)
As most rotary tables have backlash reversing without some minor issue will be difficult. Rotating a full circle minus one division instead of reversing would solve the backlash, but would be useless for people who want to use it for milling under power. (even dangerous)
I could not find out so far if someone is using this for milling under power, were the angle advancement would be helpful and forward and reverse should work as someone would expect.
For dividing I use the corrected (butchered) version, it does not allow to rotate backwards and the angle movements are not of much use.
I hope this helps and does not confuse even more.
Greetings Timo