Another Jan Ridders Flame Eater

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. works! Very nice looking and a good runner. :bow:

And you beat me to it. :mad:
Good job nice engine!
Good feeling seeing it run for the first time isn't it?
That's just capital, Vic! I really like the way it runs at a calm, steady tickover!
That's the kind I could watch for as long as you wanted to run it.
Your plan for a wooden base will really finish it off.

Congratulations. Top job!

Great result Vic.

The engine isn't meant to go any faster than that, just a steady rhythmic beat that I could, and do, watch for hours.

If your meths was too old, it wouldn't even run, so I personally wouldn't worry about it.

Super engine.


Very well done indeed Vic :bow:
Congratulations on an engine that is both beautiful and runs magnificently !!

Regards, Arnold
Nice looking engine and great runner. I think your heavy flywheel really adds to the smoothness of the engine.

Congratulations Vic!

Great job, looks and sounds great.
Well done Vic! ;D Great to see another of these beasts running, as Bogs has mentioned before, there must be many under the bench!

Mine kept stopping on the old meths so I got some industrial meths and it was much better with that.

Great to watch

Hi Nick, thanks. Yes, I'm trying to get hold of something better than the purple stuff. I'm sure it would run better on cleaner fuel.

That's a smashing engine you've built there Vic, I really love the sound it makes.
