I don't know that all the tools I have are must have but rather acquired over time. I have a set of Mitatoyo dial bore gauge I got at a pawn shop. Two 15 X 18 cast iron surface plates from a friend who's die shop was putting them in the scrap bin. I took one to work! I have an Interapid indicator, and a 0-1 thread mike from the NAMES shows over the years. much that I intended to use but haven't. Then there are the the tools that I didn't even ask for, and this may be a separate thread. I have been tossing this about in my head for months wanting to share what a great honor was bestowed upon me. I have a good friend who being retired decided he had to many hobbies and sold off his shop equipment, I bought his Enco 12 X 36 gear head lathe. I still kick myself for passing on the B&S surface grinder. This all happened 2005-7, fast forward to this year he and his wife sold their house and moved into a retirement community. He says to me I have a couple of boxes of stuff from my shop you can have. So we make arrangements for the exchange and then when I go home to look at it I am floored. Last Word indicator, telescoping gauge, adjustable parallel set all the same brand, B&S 2" and 3" micrometers, Mitatoyo 10" dial height gauge, I have a list of 10 - 15 items given to me. I've been sitting on this for some time now because it's not just something you blab out. Has anyone else had this sort of experience?