absolutely free CAD type programs

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At work we use FreeCad (for the occasional simple part, then ordered from outside maker). It is quite good at opening files to just look at. (never had issues with looking at customer files)
Private I use a paid software, that would have been "free" initially, beforer they dumbed it down to a point. All the files are in the Clowd, which is fantastic according to the Marketing department.
...I can see the advantages that me, I, myself and my friend Harvey can do group work. And eventhough I do not need to download anything or share any information with myself, or I. I am happy to wait for the Internet connection every time. ...
I do not trust those "Maker Licences" further than I can throw a whashing machine. :cool:
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Thanks to Stanstocker and others for a thorough review. To add just a bit more from my own experience:

Inkscape is an outstanding vector-graphics program. Highly recommended YouTube tutorials: Logos by Nick

FreeCAD 1.0 is quite usable, but 1.1 is "coming soon" and promises even more significant improvements. Highly recommended YouTube tutorials: MangoJelly

One of the most frustrating issues with cloud-based software is that some of us still live in rural areas with spotty internet. :(
The world is getting complicated

You can say that again.
Getting very complicated, and not in a good way.

Microsoft is forcing updates, and so I have recently installed an "email/internet-only" computer for email and browsing.
There is nothing on my email dedicated computer.
All my CAD machines are now completely off the net, and they won't be reconnected.


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