OK good time in the shop today!
Here we go.
drilling the various holes including the holes for the toolmakers buttons.
The toolmakers buttons are small bushings .219 in diameter with a .156 bore. I turned up two of them , one 3/8" long and one 1/4" long. That allows me to sweep the long one in before the short one.
Next, I removed the body from the steel machining fixture and bonded it to a .875" Diameter embryonic front housing. To indicate the interface between the two parts, I needed to interpose a piece of paper between the two parts.. but I needed to make sure it was of a consistant diameter so that it didn't interfer with the alignment of the two parts. So I made a punch....only took a few minutes....a wack with a hammer and voila!
I then bonded the body to the housing blank with super glue with the paper in between. Now we get the parts together on the fixture
I then put the toolmakers buttons on and I aligned the the assembly in the horizontal plane on the surface plate.
The toolmakers buttons are mounted with 2-56 screws and represent the axis of the two gears. It is aligned with a micrometer to get the exact distance apart for the two bores. The method then is to tram in each button to the axis of the lathe and lock it in on the face plate and then bore to size and depth.
I will then move the fixture on the plate to align the other shorter toolmakers button with the axis of the lathe, lock it in , remove the toomakers button and bore the second hole. This is a very old school way to make this part , but it's very accurate and repeatable.
that's where I've left off for tonight....we'll get more done tomorrow.