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What ever happened to Black Jack gum I remember that use to be my favorite gum.
23 remembered here I guess I can join the dirt pile :big: :big: :big:
I can remember going out in the yard to turn the TV antenna for the best reception
of the channel we wanted to watch.

I was maybe 10 years old at the time but I had rows of stone laid in the
yard to mark the hot spots. :D

Doc, we still have Blackjack gum available here.
PM me a mailing address and I'll send you a couple packs.

Like Dean, I got all but Howdy Doody and news reels. I just don't ever remember seeing Howdy Doody as a kid, though I do remember the Mickey Mouse club.

We had 5 channels - the big 3, PBS and an independent. Then got another independent on UHF about '67 or '68.
I experienced them all except news reels. Like Kevin, I remember Annette Funicello Micky Mouse Club very well. ;)

Blackjacks - at least here in the UK - were a chewy sweet rather than gum.

But remember those BIG wadges of pink bubble gum?

Sherbert, and what I always called Kayli (sp) (coloured and flavoured granulated sugar).

I saw, and bought, some liquorish root at a local food fair last year, you can chew it forever.

http://www.oldsweetshop.com/index.asp brings back memories - and desire!!

ksouers said:
I do remember the Mickey Mouse club.

I only remember Annette and Darlene. ::)

Best Regards

Blackjack, Beeman's, and Juicy Fruit (chewing gums)were the big favorites when I was a kid. There was Kayo, which was a chocolate milk type of 'soft drink'. And then there was Annette,,, YES! Man did she fill out those T-shirts. (*drool*) Ah but I digress. Moon pies, Chick-O-Sticks, Lincoln logs, Sugar Daddy's, Slo-Pokes, Chuckles,(candies) and Gold Rush bubble gum were also big ticket items of the day. They can still be found in some of the specialty/novelty stores and Ma/Pa grocery stores off the beaten path.

My problem is I'm so old I've forgotten some of them.
77 1/2
rake60 said:
I can remember going out in the yard to turn the TV antenna for the best reception
of the channel we wanted to watch.

I was maybe 10 years old at the time but I had rows of stone laid in the
yard to mark the hot spots. :D

Doc, we still have Blackjack gum available here.
PM me a mailing address and I'll send you a couple packs.


I too remember the antenna thing. Now that you mentioned that the Black Jack is still available there I did a search and yes I did find it on the net for sale. Thanks for the offer but I think I may just make an order to one of the online stores along with Altoids spearmint another thing that no longer available here.

How about tv shows I remember watching the Gene Audry show one of my favs.
Another was Have Gun Will Travel.

Thanks again Rick for the kind offer.
The only TV in my town was at the Masonic Temple. The screen was about ten inches in diameter and had a big magnifier in front of it. When I was about ten I used to go there with my father on Friday nights to watch the fights. The cigar smoke was so thick I'm surprised that we could see the screen. We had to count the rings on our phone until 1959. Things sure have changed.

Does anyone else remember these little gems?


My Grandpa used to feed Sen-Sen's to us kids in church every Sunday.
We HATED them, but ate them anyway because Grandpa gave them to us...
How can something that tiny be that strong?
I still see them on the shelves in the drug stores occasionally.

As for the TV shows:
Superman was toward the Pifer Farm.
The Paul Shannon Hour and Mickey Mouse Club were toward the Wachob farm.
Evening News and Lawrence Welk were toward the Grange Hall.
I'd find something else to do when the antenna was pointed at the Grange Hall.
No interest in the news at that age, and the "And-a-One, And-a-Two" thing did
nothing for me either.

The March of Dimes, Iron Lungs. It's good that some things don't last forever.

Hair oil (a little dab'll do ya)

Trousers with cuffs.

And what's wrong with trousers with cuffs (turnups)?

It wasn't until a couple of years ago, when I bought my final suit for weddings and funerals, that I eventually got rid of mine, a snazzy bottle green three piece jobbie, complete with flared bottoms and turnups. I must admit though, it was a long time since I had it made. I just thought it might eventually come back into fashion, but no joy.

tel said:
Hair oil (a little dab'll do ya)

Trousers with cuffs.

Brylcreem :eek:

You mean a bit like this


Best Regards
Them's 'em Bob. Snazzy eh!.

When we were youngsters, it was all flared (bell bottomed) hipster jeans and trousers with 3" wide belts, the hipsters seem to be back in fashion now, and a little more revealing, but I find it offputting when I see young ladies with their beer gut hanging out and a cow bell hanging on a ring stuck thru their navel.

But as you get older and become more portly, the waistband gets higher each time you get a new pair of trousers or jeans. My waistband is nearly up to my nipples now, and my braces are getting shorter, the middle age spread is now mostly contained, rather than hanging over the top.

Proper Horlicks tablets (not the crappy things you have now), Ovalteenies, Bill and Ben, Andy Pandy, Sooty and Sweep. I think those will be recognised by the UK mob. Real licorice sticks and tiny Hovis loaves, condensed milk and government issued water down orange juice, warm or frozen milk at school, no middle ground. Golden wonder crisps and Jubblies, the list can go on forever.

Bob that's not brylcreem. That looks like a blow dry and hair spray :big:
or what was the other stuff....green liquid.....turned your hair rock solid?