Well guy's I guess you'll be pleased to hear it's the end of the road at last.
Despite best intentions things got a little dragged out these last few days - nothing serious, touch of 'Man-Flu' - you know how it is, we have to remind 'em how we suffer from time to time

Anyway it's all finished save a video - I've just set it up for that but the new camera battery has to be charged but that'll give me time to read the destructions ???.
Getting it all back together went reasonably well though there was a hitch getting it to run. Having had it running nicely previously to see it do half a turn and stop at the bottom of the stroke gave cause for concern especially as I couldn't fathom out why the valve kept moving relative to the piston each time. You may recall that the throttle block and valve rocking shaft had to be fettled to get some clearance. Well after tightening the inlet block bolts fully on assembly it moved it enough for it to just catch the rocker shaft and hold it enough to cause the rocking arm lever to move on it's taper. Literally a few strokes of a riffler on the inlet block gave just enough clearance - probably only around a thou or two but a gap is a gap and off it went - phew :
A few last pics then ....
Thought you might like to see one more of the piston packing. Unfortunately the image doesn't convey it's smooth and glassy like surface too well. This is as it was removed from previous running and has bedded in nicely. It went back into the bore with ease without catching and has a lovely seal with very little friction. If an engine is only to run for demonstration and on air at that this is such an ideal way of getting a good piston / liner relation without high tolerance.
Next up was to get it running again and get some steam oil in to coat the surfaces to prevent the likelyhood of rusting. Two good slugs of oil were injected into the clear tube and the engine run until it worked it's way through and out the exhaust.
With it all up and running again it was time for the finishing touches - the oilers
The two on the main bearings are 'pseudo' scale like based on some seen in books and do have a small degree of oil flow control. All the others are semi dummies in that they have a hole all the way through to enable oil to be injected but have no cavity to act as a resevoir
Incidentally a good source for the 'glass' on oilers is the near crystal clear tubes that are used as artists paint brush protective covers closely followed by small tool enclosures. Most art shops have a few of the former under the counter normally free for the asking. The more rigid can be parted off simply nipped in the chuck but if a little flimsy they can be held over a ali spigot turned to suit the id. A sharply pointed 'parting' tool has been found best to cut them to length.
A new hand wheel for the stop valve was made and like the previous one was dished. On the Myford S7 setting the top slide over to such an angle means the ball handle interfering with the cross slide handle support. I don't know if this will be of interest for anyone but I get over this by using a 2BA caphead and a ball ended driver
And that was it - a few domed nuts and it was ready for handing over to it's new owner - Sue - I'll let the pics finish it off...............
I'll do my best later to get a video - it's a new camera and getting something onto You Tube previously has not been too successful but I will try.
Well to coin a phrase 'That's it Folks'. End of the Line.
My thanks once again to all of you for your kind remarks, input, comment and thoughtfulness throughout. Thanks for the PM's too, posting on here has lead to new 'friends' so once again a big thanks to Tel for getting me 'unbanned' and off my butt to actually post something - it's been a very pleasurable journey indeed and finall, going by the number of visits a thanks to all those silent ones who 'look but don't touch' you must find something worthwhile to keep coming back and that in turn has certainly made it worthwhile for me
Regards to you all - Ramon
PS - Just noticed it's not quite finished - theres a nut missing off the valve rocker arm pivot :