Noitoen said:
Now a bit "of topic", here in Portugal, land of fine "Italian" marble (they extract it from our quarries, ship to Italy and sell the finished product as Italian.....but never mind), many stone shops have a huge box like mould and deposit cleaned "left overs" from stone and when the mould is full, they mix some drums of epoxy or polyester resin and fill the mould. The result is a big block of stone that is cut in slices and after some polish come out with spectacular effects.
NO worries Helder, We could talk about stone aeroplanes in this thread and we'd still be smack on topic.
That epoxy method might come in handy for making a display base for the engine. I't will depend how sick of stone I am when I finish :big:
A bit of marble in the build would be a nice touch as well. I have an old contact that works for a head stone company here in Perth, I'll have to drop in and see if I can get some bits for the engine.
There must be some gag about not being caught dead in her shop, but I'll leave that for when I'm more awake. Rof}
steamer said:
Dam Dave, and that's US prices. I'd hate to see what it costs here in Oz.
I pressed the old wood (wash my mouth out *club*) extraction system into service. It's a 2hp twin bag system that is plumbed around the shed in 100mm storm water pipe.
The system works on low pressure, high volume suction as opposed to the shop vac which is high pressure, low volume.
For metal it's no good, but for dust she works a treat.
It's not much noisier than the mill and less so than when I am using the cut off blade shown in the pic. I'm glad I saved some granite dust, because there in none any to be found now.
Thm: Thanks again Kermit for the reminder.
tel said:
There's any amount of talc lying about here - used to be a talc mine in our front paddock.
I'd be interested to see a bit in it's natural habitat Tel, could I trouble you for a pic sometime?
Well this is how much I got done tonight.
I parted off the fly wheel with the diamond slitting saw. It's 50mm across and 7mm thick.
I gave it a bit of a hit with 1200 wet and dry and then the buffing disk to see how it would come out.
You can see two dull patches on the right and left sides, The disk is not flat and it dips down on the edges. It's caused by flex in my home made cutter setup, that cuts more at the start and finish of the cut.
I started work on an adapter for the diamond cup grinding wheel to make it fit the slitting saw arbor.
The drill bits are diamond coated twist drills and the small one is 1.1mm, the other is 2.5mm
I hope you all have a comfortable seat and a good book, It's going to be a slow build.
I'm going to have to change my avitar to the Flintstones soon. Rof}