a samll rortary table by g.h. thomas

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Hi All !
I don't know if I should say this, but
It's just a drawing board of a tool, and if someone has a machine and experience ... they can design and do it themselves, I want to make one and of course it has to fit the way I do and the way I want
We are here for our own passion and it is not necessary to argue to the end about whether this drawing board is the right board or not.
If we are not sure about the copyright, simply delete this post.
Hi All !
I don't know if I should say this, but
It's just a drawing board of a tool, and if someone has a machine and experience ... they can design and do it themselves, I want to make one and of course it has to fit the way I do and the way I want
We are here for our own passion and it is not necessary to argue to the end about whether this drawing board is the right board or not.
If we are not sure about the copyright, simply delete this post.

I agree and what is more inform you that it is not a true rotary table but a plate with a peg allowing it to rotate to its stops. It was only calibrated- for the magazine and then the book!
What should be uppermost is what we were told when we 'did' Constitutional law both English and American-
Commercial Law, Criminal Law. We you need to do 'Case Law' as we, Brits have an unwritten constitution.
The Law may be an ass but it is THE LAW!
Point has been made several times. Beating a dead horse here. Time to lock this thread and move on.

If anybody wants a rotary table to use on an Emco SL then join the iO Unimat Group and check in the Files folder, there were plans for such a table last time I was there.

This topic has been argued to death and I doubt we can settle anything without lawyers and a courtroom so it's time to end it.
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