Hallo Michael,
Thanks for the compliments on my engine.
Yes in a far state the engine is ,but there's still some more work to do before a first start can be planned.
In basic there has been planned only a standard venturi for this engine,but i am modifying a standard R/C carburettor at the moment to try if good running is possible and if the throttle will work on this type of engine as well.
The conrod is also not as what i ment for this kind and size of engine however on the drawing this kind conrod was ment to be used in this engine.
I will try to make another one bronze bushed if possible.It will be my first conrod with bronze bushings so some of these refinements will certainly be necessary to prevent the engine against damage when something goes wrong.
A video will certainly be made when the new 8,02 cc model glow engine is running,but that will be in Spring-Summer.It's now the Winter season ideal to make a model engine or to refine a model engine.
many greetings from modelmotor-Gerard-The Netherlands-Europe.