Hallo Model engine friends,
Here i am again with just a few updates i made for my Holly Buddy engine.
The first engine starts were Ok and the engine ran with a nice sound and RPM's were enough and available.
The only problem was to run the engine more constantly for a longer time .
I found out that my fueltank construction was n't what it used to be ,so i made a change for an "old fashion" copper fuel tank with not so much volume.
I mounted it just behind the engine to keep the fuelline short only i will have to look after the level were the fuel comes out the tank.
I hope that the pictures are telling you the rest of the story.Instead of the standard venturi tube i made a new one from brass with some other dimensions and glued this into the fronthousing just like Ed instructed in his Holly Buddy model engine thread
The brass needle valve has a plastic cover because of the long cuts inside the needle housing look at my pictures the needle wih the clear plastic tube and a separate clear piece of plastic tube to show what's ment.
In between i also did some work at the backplate which did n't fit very well so now this is all OK at this moment.
Some other improvement will be done in the next few weeks it's unhappily cold overhere now the Autumn has started with llow temperatures and strong wind not ideal weather for running the engine.
I hope that you will like my engine update and probably some will follow.
many greetings from modelmotor-Gerard-The Netherlands-Europe.