I also use a 4 jaw scroll as my basic workhorse, better grip, holds round, square and also hex so no need to change chuck
Johwen again. A four jaw self centering chuck will accurately hold a hex bar just jiggle it a little and it will chuck up dead accurate give it a try. I make nuts accurately using this set up. Can guarantee it saves so much time and will chuck all hex sizes within the capacity of the chuck! John^^^ Yes, when you think about it there is no reason that a three jaw should be the default self centring chuck. Probably just tradition based on economy of manufacture.
As you say, better grip with a four jaw and really, how often do you need to grip hex bar? And if you do you can grip it in the SC four jaw with a round split bush around it. I think next time I need to replace a worn out three-jaw I'll get a SC four-jaw.
if you look at my (fuzzy) photo you can see that one of the corners aligns between two jaws, it will centre perfectly like thathow do you hold hex stock, in a scroll 4 jaw, and be concentric?
Since buying a 4 jaw self centering chuck for a job requiring the turning of a large quantity of square bar the chuck has hardly been changed , I find that it does everything that I would use a 3 jaw for and more.