It was suggested that a gear cover would add to safety around the engine. There are no plans for this, so, I made it up.
At first. I thought I could make the vertical part and mounting tabs from one piece.
But after several iterations of paper pattern, it just wasn't going to work. So, the tabs were added to the vertical part of the cover.
I cut the brass to shape with a scroll saw and finished with a die filer.
The die filer was a project I did a few years ago in an attempt to get more comfortable working with castings. It came from Martin Models and was a
good casting set to work with. Replacement parts are available but weren't needed, and it has been an occasionally useful tool. (The 1/4 scale 5 HP
Galloway castings are still "aging" under the bench)
Rather than have to drill more holes in the crankcase, I used one of the cylinder mounting bolts, and one of the crankcase joining bolts.
Fit looks good with about 1/16" clearance all the way around.

These two are the parts set up to silver braze (no flux yet) and the parts all brazed together.
Last fit check before filing, sanding and bead blast. I had added another handrail on the opposite side to the left of the crankcase doors for "operator safety". I know the step up onto the base is a bit high, but maybe he gets a step stool.
I got a computer radiator with a fan for better cooling. There is only 12 oz. of coolant or so in the system as it is now, and it heats up after a few minutes running.
That's all for now,
Thanks for looking,