That's $292 USD What are you waiting for!!!/QUOTE]
Great price!! Now I can start my 1/4 scale 6 engine pulling tractor!
Oh yea I will need 3 dual bell housing units with input and output on the middle one....another $50 each should cover those. :hDe:
Seriously keep up the great work,I'm really intrigued with the mini bike build.
I think this is my first post here but I lurk alot.
I bought Steves plans and have the block and
one head almost done. The only reason I haven't
got more done is that I got a new G4003g lathe
and I'm still setting it up. I think what Steve charges
for his plans is a very good price. People need to
set down and look at the time it takes to draw these
and even more , think them up.
I've also been looking at this v-8 project on a daily
basis and if someone had offered me that kind of
money for what has been put into it I would have been
very offended. This engine is beautiful.
Same, the plans are worth every cent at twice the price.I have also got Stevens plans
Hi all,
I recently started designing a small petrol V8 engine, as I've allways fancied building one. I discovered this site and read what people were doing, especially Stevehuckss, and decided my plans were rubbish. So I've designed a much more intricate engine, compared to my first attempt, and have been machining for about 6 weeks.
Whilst I have taken pics at every step I won't put all the pictures up, as Steve is doing an superb job of chronicling a V8 build. I will be happy to answer any questions in the future however. This is being built with manual machines only. I think CNC machines are great, but I haven't got one.
Going to try and upload some pics now, of progress to date.
Johnny, I haven't got a full set of drawings available to send out I'm afraid.
I can send you some cad drawings of specific areas of the engine if this would help.
Can I suggest you start your own build thread, where you can tell everyone who you are and whereabouts you are in your project?
I'm sure myself, and others, will be very willing to help if we can.
Johnny, I haven't got a full set of drawings available to send out I'm afraid.
I can send you some cad drawings of specific areas of the engine if this would help.
Can I suggest you start your own build thread, where you can tell everyone who you are and whereabouts you are in your project?
I'm sure myself, and others, will be very willing to help if we can.
Hello! I like your engine very much. Can I give you the angle drawing of the four camshaft of this engine?Luc, I've had a vacuum gauge on it. This was in place of the carb, not from a manifold tap with the carb installed. It pulled just over 2"hg, which is 3-4psi, at around 1000rpm.
I realise a 50cc V8 won't pull anything like the vacuum a single cylinder 50cc would, but I don't know if that vacuum will pull any fuel through that carb.
Or if that's a normal vacuum for this size of engine.
Then again, it won't even bang once with an ether based fuel, which leads me to think the problem is ignition based.
Is the cam angle like this?