Tom-AMS posted the following, which brings up many questions.
My company has specialized in both air-cooled VW & Harley engine rebuilding since 1963, we've built many engines for aviation and or industrial applications. (plaines, gen sets, air compressors, natural gas compressors. IIRC, Global Machine Tool sold a 2 cyl VW for aero use; I think Mosler, Inc bought out Global. Others were Hummel Engines, Better Half Engines, Simplex. One unique 1/2 VW engine put out by Lonestar Ultra-Light used the VW crankcase/lower end with Harley TwinCam cylinders and heads. The "all VW" 2 cyl are good for ~40 hp, while the "HD/VW" makes ~73 hp. Cutting and welding the VW vase is not as difficult as it may seem. I did my first one in 1969 - the mag alloy is either AS41 (later cases) or AS26 - both TIG weld easier than welding aluminum, from my experience. There are also aluminum alloy cases (we sell both new alum. & mag cases) however the aluminum case weight about 14 lbs more than the mag alloy case... so not the best choice for aero.
How are you getting 40 hp out of two cylinders ?
Better air flow, better carbs, better compression ?
That is a bit of a trick.
Does the engine life have to be derated ?
What about a thrust bearing ?