Well-Known Member
Shipping from Great Britain is HUGELY expensive. [SNIP]
But most of what you pay for "posting and packing" goes for the postage. That is what is expensive. Most places don't charge much, if at all, for the packing. They aren't making any money off of the shipping charges.
Think yourself lucky that you live in the US and don't need to get anything shipped overseas from the US. Half the companies just refuse to sell to overseas customers and most of the ones that do want an absolute fortune for shipping. As an example, 2 oilseals 1/4" ID 1/2" OD (so could fit in a normal envelope) $30 shipping, or (the worst I ever had) 1 foot of 1" 1144 stressproof bar, ~$25 for the steel and $255 shipping! These are all in USD.
Even stuff off eBay has prohibitively expensive shipping if coming from the US, more so if they use the eBay 'Global shipping' method. I just checked a random 2-56 tap from eBay and it had $22 shipping on it! Rant over