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  1. arnoldb

    Threading Silver Steel rod

    Hi Picclock When threading silver steel, I just make sure the cutting tip on the tool is sharply honed on a fine oilstone. If you use the tool straight from the grinder, the edge is too rough. I use slow speed, lots of good tapping fluid as cutting fluid/lubrication, and small infeed...
  2. arnoldb

    Engine Number Two

    That's coming along nicely Jan Thm: ;D And a mill on the way too - you'll really enjoy having it. It's fine milling in the lathe; I did that too when I started out, but having a separate mill is just so much more convenient and stable. Kind regards, Arnold
  3. arnoldb

    Completed: A novice build of Brian’s double scale beam engine

    Like they say... Pretty as a Picture :bow: Great job Lesmo! Kind regards, Arnold
  4. arnoldb

    Elmer's #32 - Tall Vertical Open Column

    John, thank you :) - I knew I'd seen your "chuffer" somewhere - that's a definite to "play" with in future. And thank you; yes I'm adapting the plans to my own taste, available materials and equipment. All the critical measurements are the same as on the plans though. With each Elmer engine I'm...
  5. arnoldb

    Elmer's Grasshopper #37 Engine

    Hi Geoff I think the question of which fasteners to use is very much a personal preference kind of thing, what one have available and how authentic-looking you want your model to be. I'm in a sort of remote location, and these very small fasteners are extremely rare locally, so I tend to make...
  6. arnoldb

    Elmer's #32 - Tall Vertical Open Column

    Thanks Darren :) - I don't mind. Very nice model Thm:; I like the "chuffer" you added to the exhaust. Actually that reminded me - I must still tap the exhaust hole on mine as I want to add pipework to it for running on live steam at a later stage :) Tomorrow's a public holiday here, so I might...
  7. arnoldb

    ER collets in South Bend lathe

    ;) Mosey, no need to get a metric lathe. From what I've observed you will most likely usually work in imperial, so it might be better for you to stay with the imperial lathe. What lathe do you have, and what change wheels do you have available for it, or do you have a quick-change gearbox on the...
  8. arnoldb

    Dynamo build by castings

    Very nice castings Manfred; they look great Thm: You mentioned the "material Ms" - is the "Ms" for Messing ? I'm asking because the castings look like brass or bronze and messing in English is brass. Looking forward to your progress! Kind regards, Arnold
  9. arnoldb

    ER collets in South Bend lathe

    Hi Mosey. The metric threading dial is for use on a metric pitch leadscrew, so unless you replace your leadscrew with a metric one, it would be a worthless exercise to make the threading dial. It's not the dial that determines whether you can cut metric threads; it's the ratio of the change...
  10. arnoldb

    Elmer's Grasshopper #37 Engine

    A very nice build of the Grasshopper indeed :bow: I like your use of the nylock nuts on the pivot pins Thm: Kind regards, Arnold
  11. arnoldb

    Elmer's #32 - Tall Vertical Open Column

    Thanks Jan :) I'm glad that you're finding this useful. If you do have any questions please fire away; it helps other people too. I'm just blundering along in my own style, so it's not necessarily right or the best way. Everybody's welcome to chip in with ideas and suggestions. :big: I might...
  12. arnoldb

    Elmer's #32 - Tall Vertical Open Column

    Rof} Jim, side-effects of my career move last month :) I'm really enjoying my new job though, so I don't begrudge the infringement ;D This afternoon I started off with a bit of 6mm aluminium plate, and two bits of sorry-looking 1.2mm brass plate for the steam chest, valve plate and steam chest...
  13. arnoldb

    Dynamo build by castings

    Mandfred, this will be a very interesting build; count me in as following along :bow: Gents, shall we let Manfred get back to his thread ? ;) Kind regards, Arnold
  14. arnoldb

    Harold Hall's precision grinding table

    Welcome to HMEM Harold. There are many members here who enjoy and appreciate your contribution to home engineering. Kind regards, Arnold
  15. arnoldb

    drawing symbols

    Thm: What Rick said. Elmer combined the terms as well, for example SC - is both "Smooth" and "Close", meaning usually a reamed or bored surface that is close-fitting. Kind regards, Arnold
  16. arnoldb

    Best approch for machining a small flywheel?

    Hi Hauk Have you considered making it an assembly? - as in turn the 23mm diameter x 18mm long section as one piece with a 6mm hole drilled/bored/reamed through, and a bit of rod turned down to 6mm with the necessary steps for the bearings and so on to press or "Loctite" or solder into that...
  17. arnoldb

    Anuther dun - a Stuart Sun

    Well Dun Dave :bow: :bow: Lovely engine, and I think quite a bit more fetching in current livery rather than stored away in plastic boxes! Kind regards, Arnold
  18. arnoldb

    Elmer's #32 - Tall Vertical Open Column

    Thanks John. - That's a different view of Elmer's Mine engine lying on its side :). A great tip on the drilling jig Thm: A slightly thicker one with tap clearance sized holes (or just one hole for that matter) will make a great tapping guide as well; it can be a bit of a chore tapping the holes...
  19. arnoldb

    A very splendid forum

    Welcome to HMEM japi_53 Don't let the "inches" throw you off; it's easy to convert to metric, and if you get stuck, you can always ask for help :) Kind regards, Arnold
  20. arnoldb

    Hello from Indianapolis

    Welcome to HMEM Tim ! :) Sounds like you've been busy. Kind regards, Arnold