If you get some rare woods like birds eye maple, you could sell the veneer to buy more stuff to make engines 

I tried a pc. of White Oak. It actually worked pretty good, but the driver lugs stripped out of the ends of the log & started to slip. Softwoods work the best. The blade is razor sharp.I would imagine that some of the hardwoods will really make that steam engine do some serious work. That's got to take some power and a razor sharp blade to cut the veneer off the full width of the blank.
I'm looking for some black walnut to try.If you get some rare woods like birds eye maple, you could sell the veneer to buy more stuff to make engines![]()
Just one very large AutoCad file. No dimensions or notes. Drawn to scale. Most everything is CNC programmed from my master drawing file.I know it's a big ask, but do you have some drawings with dimensions? Wonderful build!