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    6 Cycle Internal Combustion Engine

    Rdean 33422 Where do you get the gears for your engines? Nice looking engine! Regards, Colin
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    Six Cycle Odd Ball Engine

    Roger :Here are part# of bearings I use. I get them from Bearings Canada in Toronto area. RCO 81208 1/2x3/4x1/2 $16.44 Cdn. and RCO 61008 3/8x5/8x1/2. $12.68 Cdn. Of the many, many things I don't do well are photography and describing procedures but I'll try, here we go! Make a stepped sleeve to...
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    Six Cycle Odd Ball Engine

    Forgot the most important change! Use a one way bearing in an adapter on the crankshaft to start the engine with instead of the hand crank. I found it too hard to spin it fast enough to get going. Colin
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    Six Cycle Odd Ball Engine

    FWIW I built the Duclos Odd-Ball engine from the Home Shop Machinist magazine plans last fall(2024) The only changes I made were to the carburator which I made with a smaller venturi in order to run it on propane and to the piston which I made of cast iron with no rings or O rings, just a...
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    Rotary Table Dividing Plates for Gears (Webster Engine)

    Use the scale on the rotary table to index for the gears. 48 teeth is (360 divided by 48=7.5 or 7degrees 30 minutes),24 teeth is(360 divided by 24=15 degrees) Make a list of degree positions of each gear 7.5 15 22.5 30 37.5 etc. and check off after each tooth so you don't get lost .Works for me...
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    Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings

    I purchased a1/4 scale kit from Myers in Jan 2023 and found it to be a very good kit with excellent drawings. Took about 5 months to build and all in cost including all necessary materials paint etc. about 950 $CDN. It is a very good runner ,satisfying to watch and will pump away unattended...
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    Help finding thread re Hodgson Radial 9 cyl

    Thanks Sprocket: The thread I am looking for was not by mayhugh1. Terry's work is truly awesome ,however (un?) fortunately I do not have CNC machinery or computer design. I'm certain that the thread I saw was by someone with manual machines. Maybe I'm dreaming. Colin
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    Help finding thread re Hodgson Radial 9 cyl

    I am contemplating the build of Hodgson's 9cyl engine. Some time ago (1 or 2 years) I recall seeing a thread on this forum from a member who built a 9 and an 18 at the same time and posted build notes. I can't find this thread.. Can someone help point me in the right direction. Thanks Colin
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    Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings

    raveney: Sorry no pics for a while. Had surgery last week for detached retina so am out of shop for? don't know. Part # on camp stove X00323210X Wadeo HG0094 No progress on Nash25,put aside till urge strikes again Thanks for asking. Colin
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    Rider Ericsson Homemade Castings

    FWIW When I built this engine from the kit from Myers Engine ,I used the material supplied for the cylinder (DOM I think) and silver soldered a copper cap 060 thick on the outside of the sleeve. I made the displacer piston from 1.875 x .058 6061 aluminum tube from Aircraft Spruce. I closed...
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    1895 Mery Explosive engine from Gary Martin

    I used propane ,I find it does not smell, where gas engines do. Colin
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    1895 Mery Explosive engine from Gary Martin

    If they were easy to build, any fool could do it. Mine is#378 purchased Feb 2022,took about 6 months to build. I made a plywood holder similar to the fixture made by pamw to hold base while machining for crankshaft. Keep at it! A very satisfying engine when finished and running. Mine never fails...
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    Another Nash 25

    No rings! Have other engines that run well with cast iron piston and cast iron bore . Lapped together to a close fit has very good seal. Don't think this is the problem. Will get at it again in due course, other things on the go now.
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    Another Nash 25

    Thanks Doug : Have rechecked valve timing before and after every failed attempt . Cannot wrap my head around the fact that the plugs fire at the end (bottom) of the intake stroke. Surely this must at least partially ignite the mixture before it is compressed . I agree on the poor method of...
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    Another Nash 25

    After the first run of this engine (post#7) I have had no luck in getting it to sustain a run. Are miniature plugs suitable for propane?