Hi there. I am new to the forum and do love model engines. I got a m16 Chinese model 4 stroke engine which I run on white gas and MMO. I am really entertained by these things. I’ve put a grand total of 36 hours of run time on this little model.
After a nice tune on it, the camshaft has started to wear significantly. Making a big pit in the middle of the lobe.
I need some adviceon how to fill this lobe so the valve opens enough to run right. Currently, the valves don’t open enough to let the engine rev up. It’s even at 0 clearance with the rockers.
When you run it, it just stalls out when you give it throttle. Because the valve doesn’t Open enough to let the huge mix of air and fuel into the cylinder. Thus making it stall out.
tried jbweld, however the followers just cut through the JB weld. I’m thinking of some sort of weld to fill the pit that has been worn down. What do you think? The camshaft may be aluminum because of how quickly it wore.
Any questions let me know and please give me some suggestions. Thanks!
https://youtube.com/shorts/cOIPp4g5YN8?feature=shareCam issue after v Before ^

Any questions let me know and please give me some suggestions. Thanks!
https://youtube.com/shorts/cOIPp4g5YN8?feature=shareCam issue after v Before ^