The 4" Pratt-Burnerd which came with my Super 7 had half the square socket broken off on top of one screw, but they used UNC screws so a trip to the bolt shop and I had 4 new, rather chunky grub screws with nice new hex sockets, the correct thread and length, and which just needed a slot in the right place to drive the jaws. I can't see why they need to make small 4 jaw chucks more complex than that

My Myford Super7 B( Burnerd) 6" independent also had broken screws when I bought it.
Probably caused by trying to push work along with two opposing screws firmly locked. The Two Bees Syndrome- Brute Force and Bloody Ignorance.
One day I'll braze them but with care they still work.
2 years ago at the Ally Pally, I got a 4 jaw self centring chuck for the two Myford machines thought that if care was not taken that it would also be a possible candidate if non concentric or non square materials were being held.