With retirement approaching I started to develop a machineshop which by now occupies 75 square meters and has a wide variety of tools and machines. I try to focus on horology but I get mostly detracted by building special tooling and upgrade my machines which are up to 80 years old. Approaching 75 (years) myself causes me to consider the future of my shop. The current Corona crisis leads in our country to a Lockdown including the closure of Schools. Lessons are online - and thus can be followed everywhere. So I have invited my grandchildren of 11, 14 and 15 years to live during the week with us and in the weekend back home to their parents. As the parents who live a 100 kilometers away both have quite fulltime jobs they kindly agreed to the lightening of their duties. And so, after quarantaine and due testing the kids stay with us each week. During the day they follow their online lessons and in between or late afternoon I teach them machining. When they have internalized the basics of turning, milling, drilling and grinding we will start some machines. A wobbler, a ships twin wobbler and a Stirling motor. I plan to do the (horizontal) boiler. It is slow going but a great joy! I'm now working on my son in law to prepare a workshop area of 75 square meters to house all the stuff. And I no longer wonder where the machines must go in the (hopefully far) future. Some pictures of the shop which has a heated area of 40 square meters and an unheated area of 35 square meters. Jacob (15) at the lathe, Reinder (11) at the mill Sophie (14) at the lathe and Jacob and Reinder measuring the thickness of a cigarette paper (this brand 0,033 mm).

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