Why doesn't the preview button work

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Thanks a lot Kevin. Thm:
With lots of photos, I have been posting, go look at post, modify post and repeat.
The work around alone is worth at least one karma point, not to mention the ones I owe you for all the other things you have done to make life easier for the rest of us.
I just tried the work around and it works a treat.
Gail in NM
Many thanks Kevin! - And Rick!

Regards, Arnold

Madmodder forum uses the same software, Powered by SMF 1.1.10, and the Preview Button works there. The only difference I see is at the bottom of the page is it states "TinyPotral v0.9.8" copyright sign "Bloc". That seems to be the only difference, other then how the pages are setup.

It does appear to be working normally at the moment.
I have tried it on Firefox and IE logged in as myself and under
a test account. Thanks for the extra efforts Kevin!
