Where can I get a tail stock die holder that is larger than .802in/17.18m

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New Member
May 3, 2013
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I am a beginning jeweler and need to get a tail stock die holder that is larger than .802in/17.18mm, any suggestions where to find such an object. I have a Ryobi 10" drill press. Thanks!
I have always built my own the typical set up is a chunk o bar stock say 2" dia X 5" counter bored to fit the die ,then a hole drilled and reamed down the center of the chunk of bar stock this then slides over rod in the tail stock chuck then a couple set screws to hold the die . when using it move the tail stock close to the rod to be threaded grab on to the 2" dia and slide it forward cutting threads then whenyou get to where you want to stop threading let goof the holder so it can spin with the chuck( say threading up to a shoulder or threading a couple inches along) turn off the lathe turn it on in reverse grab the holder and unscrew it just make several for all sizes

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