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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2008
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Hi all well my retired friend in San Diego put together a care package he is cleaning up for retirement and offered me some of his findings from the dark corners of his shop.take a look and tell me what you think.




I think you will have no use at all for those items!You'd better send them on to me :big:.
It's great that your friend has decided to pass them on to you,rather than a dealer,who would no doubt make big bucks out of it.
Just as an aside,what exactly is the second item?
Try to keep in touch with your friend,as people in care often lead a very lonely existence.
Hi vary funny I'm sure there are more people that would get much more use of this stuff but I'm being selfish and keeping it sorry. The item in the second pic I think to be a some sort of stop it is a mic barrel and anvil the flange has 2 holes in it to mount to the thorough hole in the head stock of the lathe? I'm not sure if you like I will take a better pic. Also in his box was some much needed leaded alloy and this sine bar .

forgot what I really want to know is what is the second pic of?
I have to agree with bentprop, that's just useless junk!
I'll even pay all shipping costs for you to send it to ME, just to
save you from the embarrassment of owning it! ;)

It's great to have friends that think of you to offer such gifts.

Very Nice Gifts Indeed!

