A Happy New Year To All Here
My name is Markfrom Manchester UK with a sparse knowledge of engineering tosay the least although always in the background, even as a child. My interests inbuilding small models started when I found an article from Tom McWire inInstructables (easy cnc) about how to make a CNC machine from water pipes, Iwas in California at the time, ordered loads of bits, which are cheap there,brought them home and started building my first project, a scratch built CNCrouter using 3 old scanner’s. I’ve beenbuilding my CNC since about 07, starting with basics and progressing slowly eversince, its only for PCB’s and engraving so my needs are minimal, size wise thatis and the product so far has been great, but, things have moved on, more toyshave been added to the workshop and scope has widened a little, I now have small lathe pillar drill & band saw, x1mill & some gadgets that go with them, current recent projects include,hydraulic damper for the saw, repaired the 4 jaw chuck, Gerrys beam engine, & this Christmas Santabought me a set of castings for a bottle engine, although things progressslowly with me at the best of times, illness sometimes plays a big part in this.I do all my work in the back room of our apartment but at least it’s warm anddry in winter and for those from warmer climates cooler in the summer. I havebeen lurking in the back ground for a wile now always collecting ideas to puton the shelf of useless information, but just recently there has been of rummagingon that particular shelf, may be one day might even have something to add, whoknows?