Thanks guys for the info on the shrink fit. I silver soldered the crank, shaft and pin. Next time I will give that a go. I guess the trick is to get the shaft machined close enough to be a tight fit when cooled.
I've been thinking about the ignition system for my Webster build. For the most part, I am simply following the build plans, but as I do not have a 12V battery lying around, I was thinking of trying another idea: What if I use the Lithium battery from my rechargeable drill ? This has two benefits - I already have the battery, and it will be easy to re-charge.
Of course this raises a number of questions:
The Li battery is 18V - do I need to add a resistor to my circuit?
Will this damage my Li battery?
Does the Li battery have the power to handle this?
Am I missing something obvious and is this a really dumb idea?
I would use a resistor to limit the amps. You will get wasted power through heat but it will work. Have you thought about using a rc cdi? Or maybe something like Jan Ridders "blokker" system.
I found the link below on the "blokker" circuit - thanks for pointing me to a very interesting read. However, I want to keep my Webster build "old school" as much as possible, so I want to stick with the coil and points approach.