The lord loves me!!! I modified a nasty old Easy-out that was bent all out of shape, and the broken off spark-plug end come out easy peasy. I have never liked Easy-outs, and have never had much luck using them, but today it worked like a charm. I didn't even have to take the cylinder head off the engine. I started to silver solder some brass/bronze parts together to make a decent looking spring return bracket for my throttle linkage, and couldn't get enough heat out of my oxy acetylene rig to make the solder flow. My oxy acetylene rig is only about 50 years old, and has served me well, but the regulators are frozen at a low pressure setting, and turning them higher doesn't change the strength nor size of my torch flame. New oxy acetylene rigs seem to cost between $500 to $600 dollars here in Ontario, but you can buy replacement regulator sets for about $75 each, and I need two.---Will talk to my welding suppliers tomorrow about it.