Well-Known Member
I used to work as a designer for a company that was the largest producer of extruded vinyl refrigerator gaskets in the world, serving every major appliance manufacturer. It became common practice to add granite dust to the pure vinyl compound to cheapen the cost and reduce the longevity to where it would get thru warranty + year or two and then fail. We and the manufacturer both had mechanical testing devices to determine product life. The replacement cost of the gasket was about 20x the cost of the original gasket. Us older fellows can remember when a refrigerator, and many appliances could last for 15~20 years. But where's the money in that?It's a pity that so much modern equipment is effectively 'throw away' stuff that's more costly to repair than replace. Seems crazy that in a world where we are all worried about pollution and CO2 we would rather build a whole new weed whacker (or whipper-snipper, as we call them here) than design it to be easy to fix. But that's another story I suppose.
On the other hand, engine life has quadrupled. It used to be common for automotive engines to be overhauled at 100k miles. Maybe that's from oil improvement as well. I often wonder how this ends.