For anyone who may be interested in building a model of the Musgrave Non-Dead Center Engine and was frustrated by the lack of internal steam porting details in Paul Jacob's plans which were published in 'Steam & Stirling Book 2', there was a series of articles published in Model Engineer a few years ago that show the internal details of the cylinder head.
From what I found after doing some looking yesterday, a German craftsman, Lothar Matrian, has a very nice kit of castings available for the same Musgrave engine. His contact information (from the M.E article: E-Mail
[email protected]) This is from the 2009 article. It is the kit that was documented in M.E. by Karl Konrad. These are the issues:
"Musgrave Non-Dead Center Engine" by Karl Konrad
Part 1 M.E. Vol.202 No.4350 24 April - 7 May 2009
Part 2 M.E. Vol.202 No.4352 22 May - 4 June 2009
Part 3 M.E. Vol.202 No.4354 19 June - 2 July 2009
On the second page (p.513) of the article in Part 1, there is a cross section of the engine that shows the internal details of the steam porting. This was modeled from the actual engine that exists, the only one of this type at The Northern Mill Engine Society Collection at the Bolton Steam Museum (UK). Photos of this engine and a video clip of it running is available from
The engine that was scaled by Paul Jacobs in 1992 from a photograph of the large scale model at the Science Museum in London (that is attributed to John Musgrave, 1843) is very similar to the current Lothar Matrian kit of castings with the main difference being a larger cast base incorporating the outboard support. The Matrian kit looks to be extremely high quality brass castings and from the examples of his work that I have read about on the web, I would expect them to be nothing less than that. His work is simply amazing.
The drawing details of the individual components are not shown in the article, other than the cross sections that I mentioned. I also read that the drawing for the Matrian kit are not available separately, although that information was second hand as I have not e-mailed him for kit information as yet. However, with the internal details of the Musgrave engine cylinder head from the M.E. article and the Paul Jacobs drawings in the 'Steam & Stirling Book 2', there should be enough information available to build a fabricated version of the Musgrave engine.
I can't show any of the photos of the M.E. articles that I found because they are all copyright protected. However, if you subscribe to Model Engineer, you can view the digital version of the back issues mentioned above on their website.
The digital issues of M.E. go back to August of 2001 and the issues of M.E.W. or Model Engineers Workshop go all the way back to the beginning of issue #1. It is a great resource and access is included with the price of the annual subscription.
I did find a photo of the poster that is displayed next to the engine at the Science Museum in London.