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The "great" Marv

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Jul 16, 2010
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So, anyone who has the nerve to upset the "great" egotist, know it all Marv, and who disarees and posts someting that "God" doesn't like, is banned or suspended for 30 days?
He is a newbie for gods sake man. Give him a PM and don't make it so public.
A lot of your postings are, to put it bluntly, demeaning.
Lay off and get a life.

And, yes, I expect you to ban me. Well, no great lose.

With you being a moderator, this site will lose a heck of a lot more potential newbies. Well done to you my "man"!

Now, what can I expect in return? Sarcasm or a stupid video. (Remember the Morris dancers)? Humour you have not.

Please, do not use the great man as your main pic, it is insulting to a true genius.


i wasn't going to reply but then i thought why not!

marv is a great guy he has helped me out on a few things and is an all around good guy (i think)
as far as his humor..........well it is different but it is still his humor.

PM'ing the guy that posted the stuff for sale would have been nicer but it is an ongoing problem on most forums so going public might have more affect???
suspending for 30 days is harsh !!!

in my opinion marv your avitar is...........well not the greatest, you might try a picture of one of your many projects that you have built.

just some thoughts, i hope no one takes affence to them as they were not intended to be offencive.

Well it does seem a bit harsh to ban a newbie as such, but then again, it would not have taken a great deal of time in reading over some of the posts before charging head long into a sales promotion. Most likely this person had or has little interest in what we do here and was merely attempting to attract sellers to auction. (poor taste) If this poster had truly been interested in this site and had taken more than a few fleeting seconds to actually read over the first few topic listings, it would have become quite clear what was accepted with a very few simple requests. For those of you that have not read them or perhaps have forgotten about them here they are once again.

Here's the rules
Basic Internet Forum Etiquette
1) Lurk before you leap. Browse though the forum and see what we are about. If you have a question search and see if the topic has come up before.
2 ) Post an introduction . Please post a thread in the welcome section Tell us about yourself , your shop and your interests in model engine building.
3)Give a good first impression. . we can only judge you by your own words. If your first post is selling something we may think you are a spammer and you may be deleted.

4)DO Join sign up and pull up a chair.
5)DO tell us where you are from in your signature line or personal text.
6)DO get involved asking and answering questions
7)DO show respect to other members.
8)DO stay on topic this board is about model engine building.The machines and techniqes to complete the task. Try to pick the sub fora that fits your question or your post. Use the break room for OT fun stuff.
9)DO have fun.
10)DO listen to the Administrators and moderators and follow the rules.
11)DO report violations of rules.
12)DO Not double post this is irritating and you get two conversation about the same thing.
13)DO work safe read the safety rules and follow them.
14)DO respect copy right laws. Read the thread on copyright policy
15)DO NOT post spam porn or other unwanted topics. This site is family friendly we want it friendly to women children and small animals. Also do not post known hot topics such as politics, religion, gun control ect these can get ugly way too fast.
16)Do not post any content that is illegal or dangerous. These thread will be dealt with as the staff sees fit. Removal of the thread and reports to local authorities if needed.
17)DO NOT bug the admins and moderators. Questions and Comments should be posted on the forum. Not directed to the staff via PM or E-Mail. But we are here if you NEED us.
18)Thank you to all that have signed up and behaved in an admirable manner and contribute to this forum. Your continued support will help us keep this forum as an example to others.
19) Do maintain and update links that you post . links change please try to keep them up to date.
20) Do leave your threads in tact. please correct if needed but IMHO it is rude and childish to delete your posts because you decide not to hang here.

Tin Falcon

Now then, let there be no more questions regarding forum policy.

chuck foster said:
i wasn't going to reply but then i thought why not!

Me Too

I have been around long enough to know that Marv is a positive force around here. I see his point as the rules are posted but the new guy's never seem to read them. Myself included. This sort of thing has been happening alot lately and Marv posting publicly is more likely to be read. I think this way the new guy's will be notified and the others will be reminded.

As this is a free country and you have a right to free speech, I don't think Marv will ban you. This forum does however have one owner and Marv was appointed one of the sheriff's so what he and the other mods say goes. We can choose to follow the rules or choose to not log on. I choose to log on.

See you tomorrow Marv
I wasn't going to post either. I have no idea what the issues are and frankly I don't care. I've yet to read anything that would even imply he thinks he's god. To be honest I think I'll side with him whatever the issues are.

You do know this is a hobby for most of us and it is supposed to be enjoyable...................right?

OK guys ....lets settle down.

Listen...we get bombarded with spam CONSTANTLY because we are a popular site with a lot of hits. That makes us a target.
We ....the mods and admins ....do a lot of work trying to keep that crap off the site....in general we succeed....with some notable exceptions.....

We .....the forum....ask that people introduce themselves.....let us know whom we are letting into our home.

WE get some real lulu's.....I know some of you have seen that.

But to keep this a clean comfortable site....we have to enforce the rules....

Are we perfect? far from......but we usually own up to bobo's and do our best to make it right.

I for one don't want this site to end up like half the other sites with every other post is a spam or a sales pitch for viagra

Ron I've followed you since you joined...I hope you stay..your a valued member..I also hope everyone takes the rules to heart because the membership of this forum IS the forum.......

WE may not always agree...but let's work through it OK? The forum won't stay this way unless we keep it this way.


Steamer.....some times called Dave and apparently other names too......
chuck foster said:
i wasn't going to reply but then i thought why not!

marv is a great guy he has helped me out on a few things and is an all around good guy (i think)
as far as his humor..........well it is different but it is still his humor.

PM'ing the guy that posted the stuff for sale would have been nicer but it is an ongoing problem on most forums so going public might have more affect???
suspending for 30 days is harsh !!!

in my opinion your avitar is...........well not the greatest, you might try a picture of one of your many projects that you have built.

just some thoughts, i hope no one takes affence to them as they were not intended to be offencive.


do you know what he is holding in his avitar ? if you did you would not have made the silly remark. do you have to prove you can build something to be a member, I did not see that in the rules bearcar1 posted ?


Let's keep it civil and constructive OK,,, Otherwise I'll lock it down.

I hate doing that.....but I will...


don't have to prove you can build.....we know marv can build i just thought a project or model would be more relavent thats all.

so if my remark is silly than could you please tell me what he is holding in the avitar, because i for one have no clue ??? ???

I think you will find it's one of the trophies he helped win while he worked for McLaren-Mercedes F1.

simmer down. I expect all here to show respect and follow the rules. Part of the problem is many folks do not bother to read the rules. Case in point there are close to 6000 active members hear . Only 2100 have bothered to read the rules. If someone shows up here and breaks the rules on the first post that is on them the rules are there for all to read and follow. If someone posts something for sale on there first post that can be considered spam and spammers are banned.
Publicly degrading a moderator is also disrespectful and breaking the rules.
So an apology is in order unless you really want to be banned.
The for sale guidlines reads as follows:
Dear HMEM Members and fans.
As you know HMEM is a non commercial forum. As such this section is intended to be used by active members of this board.
An active member is one that Posts an introduction and contributes to the board by sharing experience ,asking questions ,and encouraging others work.
We can only judge folks by there activity here and the words that are written.
The only cost to advertise here is to be part of this community please respect that.
And all who are interested in building model engines and are willing to respect the members , the staff ,and few rules of this board are welcome to join.
This is not e- bay or Craigs list anyone who posts a thread in this section and is not an active member will be banned and the post will be deleted . It is called spam folks.

When posting an item please label as to need ie for sale/fs, wanted/WTB ,e-bay etc.
Tin falcon
Also folks when an item is sold please change the title of the listing to sold just makes it easier for people.

If any of us needed proof how quickly things can get out of hand and out of control, this thread is a pretty good reference :mad: :mad:

Marv has been around this and other model engineering forums more than most of us. His contributions to our hobby are second to none. OK so he doesn't suffer fools gladly but then again neither do I.

The public posting of a reprimand to a spammer is just another arrow in our quiver to deal with these internet cowboys and should be taken as such.

As others have said, I too think Marv is OWED an apology

If you can't stand the heat.............Get out of the kitchen.

One miffed Ozzie.

Marv has a personality. It's different from mine but I like it. It's entertaining and informative at the same time. I know you don't like emoticons Marv, but here's one anyway. Thm:


Tin, Marv in particular and to all on this forum,

I publicly apologise for my seemingly crass and clumsy comments. And NOT because Tin has said that I could be banned if I do not.

Okay, I take Marv in the wrong way, but to ban a guy for 30 days for what to me seems a simple mistake? Come on, tell him off with a PM.

Honestly, how many can hold their hands up and say that they have read all of the rules? Be honest, how many read the small print on most types of forms??

While Marv is without doubt a clever man, he can come over as "Do as I do, I know best". I believe I am not alone in this observation. That is not a cause for further argument.

Can this now be locked. I have made my public apology.

And yes, I have worked on some great "real" builds in my career, these include hydraulic and other parts/rams etc for the English version of the Apache helicopter, The Euro fighter, Harrier,(Falkland War) Tornado, the American F15 (?) when in Desert Storm and the last war there, when Sodhim Insane ruled (England I believe being nearer then the States so as to maintain parts) to name just a few plus the McLaren F1 cars-Two world championships-14 seasons worth in total. Ferrari for one season. I do not think I have to post parts of/or all of my proudest contributions to some great builds, they are in the public domain.

You may have apologised in the first instance, but to insult him again by saying almost exactly the same thing as your initial post is really taking it too far.

I am all for Marv on this one BTW.

Without the occasional short sharp kick up the a**e, this place could easily be turned into ebay or any of the other sites, except people seem to think this one is free advertising and think they can get away with it.

Over the years we have seen all types try it on here, from people attempting to get members to develop items or processes without any thought of payment, to what this topic is all about.

The quicker it is stamped out the better. If it takes harsh words or worse, then so be it.

Keep it up Marv.


I think we need to keep in mind that the internet brings together all types of people and all types of personalities.

Yes, different personalities do clash sometimes, I have done it before, and I appologize for my stupidity and lack of understanding of what a forum is all about.

Marv is a flamboyant guy, but I like flamboyant people, and I like all the other type people also, and really appreciate the diversity of people here.

The beauty of all this diversity is that between all the various and differing opinions on any one topic, you can learn a whole lot more by listening to everyone, even those of differing opinions.

Forums are not perfect, people are not perfect, but we should not let these imperfections keep us from enjoying this hobby, celebrating our likenesses and differences, and having a good life.

Life is to short to get embroiled in these sort of things.
Lets make peace people, and then make some serious models.

How about it guys?

Pat J

Edit: It is actually the diversity of personalities that keeps this site interesting, and one of the reasons I like this site. If we were all the same and all agreed on everything, it would be terribly boring.
Variety is the spice of life.

Edit-02: I had a situation at work where my boss and I clashed and could not agree on anything. My solution was to start my own company, so for the last 8 years, guess who has been the "employee of the month" every month for 8 years.
Yep, you guessed it, me. I guess some day someone else may make employee of the month, but I doubt it.
Everyone makes a post that seems snotty or wrong at times, I dont judge anyone for being a poop at times. It happens to the best of us. hell lets grow some thick skin and get along.

I dont ban anyone but spammers and people who go all the way off the deep end and have a meltdown. we are about building things that work.

Marv is as sharp at a tack and never come across ass a "know it all to me" his free software has been a hit with many machinist.

In Fact I would like to take all of Marv's software and convert them all to flash so it will run in a browser or with with java so a smart phone can run it, some of us geeks might help on that effort with his permission.

Anyway I dont care if you debate or express a difference of opinion just do it in a civil manner, Rick pays for this site and I think it success is from it being friendly so we will keep it that way.

Enough of this drama, get to the shop and make something even if its no good. ;D

I made a duck.
I know, I know, it is just a duck, but what a cool duck it is.

And I ask you, how many of you can honestly say you have made a duck?

Tell the truth.

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