I hope I don't offend anyone, but I think we have lost the thread somewhat.
A beginners toolbox only needs the bare basics, everything else is on a 'as needed' basis.
Some means of marking out, 6 and 12 inch rulers, dividers, scriber, engineers square.
Some means to do drilling ( depth of pocket will determine quality)
Drills, here my preference ( as a relative beginner myself) is for a set of number drills. The largest in the set being just under 6mm. Anything above that, buy as needed.
Some means of shaping, a set of files.
Some means of holding work, vice.
Finally some means of venting frustration because you don't have all the tools/gadgets everyone else seems to have, my suggestion a large hammer to berate the part you have just screwed up due to not having the right tools!!!
Oh! Nearly forgot - a good tool catalogue, something to drool over saying to ones self ' I NEED one of those, and that, got to have a set of those etc etc.
When you have done, tot the price up and give yourself a heart attack.
Finally, get your wife/partner to make a new set of extra deep pockets in your trousers, boy are you going to need them.
Have a nice day folks........