I will attempt to graft on one of Elmer's cylinders as the scale is about the same, 1/2" bore and 3/4" stroke. Elmer's designs are reliable so that will give me some confidence. The bottom end of the engine seems to work quite nicely in the simulation in Inventor.
ProdEng is for Production Engineer, my occupation for the first seven years of my working life. I was involved with the development of machining processes and great fun it was. With the imminent collapse of the British engineering industry in 1979 I moved to electronics, started my education all over again, and stuck with that for 22 years. Now I have gone full circle and am doing a production engineering role albeit in the plastics industry.
As for the engine design, it is a published design with a construction article and I expected more from Model Engineer.
Thankyou both for your comments, it has broken my sulk and I will now continue ;D