Are ladies or even gents to be denied the use of sharp needles for sewing, just in case one in a billion was to prick themselves, get tetanus and eventually die.
Maybe cutlery manufacturers shouldn't sell sharp knives and forks, just in case we hurt ourselves.
If that was to happen we would most probably end up with professional feeders, with an operators 'licence' to cut up our food and feed us, or maybe we should all take to sucking soup thru a straw.
Just wait a minute, do straws have sharp edges? Amend the above to rubber tubes. Just wait a minute, do rubber tubes have any toxic contents in their make up? Amend the previous statement. Everyone, just stop eating and drinking, it is safer for you.
As can be seen, these are stupid examples, but by using the examples of the lawsuit cases going thru the courts, examples like this could very easily be filed and won.
The world is going mad, with no common sense being shown at all.