Having blown them up a little and sharpened as well, it is still rather difficult to read.
The conclusion that I came to is that it is the steam inlet (the small piece of the 'T') and a spool (piston) valve goes into the long part of the 'T'.
As the piston valve is moved in and out by the piston rod of the main cylinder (going to the pump itself) it will feed steam to either end of the cylinder, making the piston go in and out. Basically, a piston valve engine.
So turn on steam, and the unit will just go backwards and forwards, driving the pump on the other end of the main piston rod, whilst at the same time, moving the spool valve so that feeds steam to the top and bottom of the piston and so on and so on and so on......................... continuous motion, and water pumped, until steam is cut off.