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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2007
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Following one Bogs Idea I did mine...

I didn't had a right tube....so I used two special syringe needles silver soldered together




I used one steam valve scraped from a coffee machine...with a new, for me , quick disconnect ...

the other end...
Nice looking little unit you made there, Paolo.
Thanks for the pictures!

No problem..Don't mention it...
Best regards
Very nice Paolo, glad my post gave you a bit of inspiration to try it for yourself.

It really looks the part on that delectable new lathe of yours.

Are you finding you can get it down to very low air consumption and minute amounts of coolant?

If so, run it like that, it doesn't need any more to do it's job. If you can't, raise the container until the coolant level is about level with the magnet on your holder, or even a little higher. That will require less air to lift the coolant

:bow: :bow: :bow: Thanks for your replay Bogs....Yes i found the right amount of air and coolant at second attempt...I had to reduce the section of air exhaust nozzle...and it works very well now Thanks for your advertisement...the coolant thank is a little bit higher than the the magnetic base!! I found that thank in a car scraper depot...for nothing...is not shown but I'll if you like.
Best regards...

Very nice little unit you have made there.

A couple of questions:
How do you cut the syringe tubes without getting any burrs on the inside?
Did you glue the nozzle to the end of the the LokLine tubing, or did you rely on tension of the inside tubing to hold it in place?

The Emerald Isle
Sorry for the long delay Dave :bow:
I cutted the syringe tubes using a cutting wheel on my dremell and turning the tubes during the cut..
I soldered the tubes together...and I glued the nozzle on the last element of the lokline tubing..
What is the air source for those coolant rigs? I've been thinking about something like that for my mill.
Hi Twmaster
I'm Using that compressor home made for those coolant stuff running at about 6 atmosfears.

best regards
Hey Paolo

Ain't that a Stampede wheel on your picture?

cheers Florian
I'm sorry Florian is not a stampede wheel...but a slide of a plastic tube for sustaining the reservoir...
Best regards
He's pointing to the right at the RC truck....
Ohhhhhhhhhh sorry....!!! :big: :big: :big:
Is a RC truck of my son David...He use also my compressor...!!!
Thanks Twmaster ....
best egards

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