Showed it to the wife - she said NO!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 19, 2014
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Bicycle tires and friction brakes. What could go wrong?

As you most very well know, ever since Morgan produced their first two wheeled front one wheel back motor car they have been proved to be not only very stable and nimble, and depending on engine size (usually mounted at the front) speed as well.
Nowadays there are a lot of companies using these very powerful engines in this configuration, and here in the UK you don't need a full car licence, just a motorcycle one and there is no needs for helmets either.

Put 'three wheeled motorcycle engined cars' into Google and be prepared to be amazed at the low cost very fast method of motoring. If only I was 30 years younger.

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I'm sold, I'm building a cycle cart. Maybe I can convince a few other insane friends to do the same and the race will be on.