Many years ago, when attending one of the model engineering shows, there was a chap selling what looked like a prism mounted on top of a bar.
The bar height was adjusted until a centre mounted in the spindle of the lathe became spot on with the centre of a graticule in the prism. It was very easy to see when this happened.
Once this setting was found and locked up, it was an easy exercise to very accurately set tool heights to exact spindle centre.
He had sold out of these ones by the time I got there, only having other prism related tools available.
Can anyone remember seeing them? Do you know how they work? How easy would it be to make one?
Many thanks in advance.
The bar height was adjusted until a centre mounted in the spindle of the lathe became spot on with the centre of a graticule in the prism. It was very easy to see when this happened.
Once this setting was found and locked up, it was an easy exercise to very accurately set tool heights to exact spindle centre.
He had sold out of these ones by the time I got there, only having other prism related tools available.
Can anyone remember seeing them? Do you know how they work? How easy would it be to make one?
Many thanks in advance.