Said I would never do it.

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Nov 19, 2008
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Sterling Heights, MI
I joined facebook. My wife got tired of me borrowing her phone to look for stuff on marketplace and made me join if I wanted to get on there. I have no friends so I dont have to listen to my family argue with each other. I did join a couple groups so I can mingle with prople who restore mini bikes and go-karts. Also a couple model engine groups but they are mostly for collectors not builders. It's the beginning of the end!
I joined facebook. My wife got tired of me borrowing her phone to look for stuff on marketplace and made me join if I wanted to get on there. I have no friends so I dont have to listen to my family argue with each other. I did join a couple groups so I can mingle with prople who restore mini bikes and go-karts. Also a couple model engine groups but they are mostly for collectors not builders. It's the beginning of the end!

Marketplace is about the only thing Facebook is good for
Facebook is a black hole. Oddly though, you don't have to join to have your personal data sucked into their vortex because if you were in the address book of anyone who is a facebook member - they already have you. There is a page facebook offers to allow people to expunge their phone numbers and email addresses from their database. I tried it with all my phone numbers and email addresses and all of them were there - I removed them. The utility also (so facebook says) prevents that data from ever being acquired again. Try it for yourselves: Facebook
I joined FB about 10 years ago, and was on it for two days.
I quickly realized what a faustian deal that was and got off of it.
I had links popping up for people I had not seen or talked to in 40 years, and links/relationships I did not even realize existed.
Advertisements popping up for things that I needed to purchase that I had not mentioned to anyone.
It is the most insideous data mining operation I have ever seen.
They know more about you and what you do than you do, and that is no exaggeration.

My wife was on it, but got off last year.

We don't want to be owned by the power brokers of silicon valley, and your data will be owned by them, and used by them.
Unfortunately this often extends to every family member of every age, wifes, sons, daughters, grandkids, friends, etc.
Every post, every word, every purchase, everything you do and say will become their property, and they control the algorithm.

Some folks love FB; and if you love it, then more power to you, but it is not for me, and I will never use it or anything like it.
Privacy must come first.

Social media has become the very essence of what George Orwell warned us about so many years ago.

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I joined FB about 10 years ago, and was on it for two days.
I quickly realized what a faustian deal that was and got off of it.
I had links popping up for people I had not seen or talked to in 40 years, and links/relationships I did not even realize existed.
Advertisements popping up for things that I needed to purchase that I had not mentioned to anyone.
It is the most insideous data mining operation I have ever seen.
They know more about you and what you do than you do, and that is no exaggeration.

My wife was on it, but got off last year.

We don't want to be owned by the power brokers of silicon valley, and your data will be owned by them, and used by them.
Unfortunately this often extends to every family member of every age, wifes, sons, daughters, grandkids, friends, etc.
Every post, every word, every purchase, everything you do and say will become their property, and they control the algorithm.

Some folks love FB; and if you love it, then more power to you, but it is not for me, and I will never use it or anything like it.
Privacy must come first.

Social media has become the very essence of what George Orwell warned us about so many years ago.

I read '1984' and a 'Brave New World' (aldous huxley) back in high school.
Took until some 20 years ago that I first read 'Animal Farm'.

Fascinating books and scarily prescient.

Social media is about making a small group of ????? very rich - - - - it started as a way of staying in touch.
It morphed from that likely inside of months.

Frustrating for me is that people seem to think that the only place to sell stuff is on crackbook.

Oh well - - - - even the banks are requiring allowing 3rd party cookies so its getting very difficult
to not be sucked into crackbook's black hole!

To other things!!!!!!!!!!!

To one and all - - - a right merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!!!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately this is the world in which we are living nowadays.
Being a System Analyst I have fighting against all these from years but having poor success or no success at all.
If you use FB, WhatsApp any social media platform or even if you have an Android cell phone you are screwed.
More than a hundred pieces of information are taken from every user account, not only your name and phone number but your likes, the way you use the platforms, what are you looking for, the web sites you visit, how much time you spent in every page, how many clicks you do, and so on...
If you have your location active in your phone they do know where you are and where you were and all your movements.
If you have a computer connected to Internet, an email address, a bank account, etc. you are screwed!
It won't be long before a child is born, they put a chip up his ass and that's it! You are screwed forever. :(

Anyway, have a happy Holidays and a great and prosperous new year!
Who knows! They just sell the info to everyone interested in the data and also share the info between their own companies.
Who knows! They just sell the info to everyone interested in the data and also share the info between their own companies.
Ok and then what? Other than getting ads for chicken wings and sports betting aps that I completely ignore what else happens? I'm genuinely interested. You have sparked my curiosity.
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What exactly do "they" do with my information? What does someone have to gain by knowing that I ate at art &jakes sports bar last night?
It's always about $$$$$ (and power). They sell your names and all the info about you that they mine to advertisers. Goggle, microsux, fakecrook also work for and sell information to the intelligence agencies of any country who will buy it. A few years back, one could take the battery out of ones phone or the chip--NOT ANYMORE! What's that about do you thimpfk? You can, however, out wit the sh*t sukkers by wrapping hyour phone in metal foil--make sure there is no leak where the folds come together.

THe fact that on your phone, computer and your thing in the living room that hears everything you say, shows what hyou have been lookin g at what ever place you shop on line--that is proof they are mining hyour keystrokes and selling them to the advertisers that are interested. That thing in the living room, is listening to what hyou are saying--soon hyou will be getting adverts for things you are talkilng about. My son was speaking Chinese to a friend, soon, he recieved adverts in CHINESE! The same with Spanish--he started recieving ads in Spansih. These shitbags are REALLY slick and sik. My son also speaks some other languages but never has a chance to talk with some one over the phone with those languages, else he would be recieving ads in THOSE languagtes. These monsters are really sik and really need to be brought down.
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They are insidious!


  • fb.jpg
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Ok and then what? Other than getting ads for chicken wings and sports betting aps that I completely ignore what else happens? I'm genuinely interested. You have sparked my curiosity.
It becomes guilt by association.
Someone who ate behind you in the restaurant is on some's "list", and so just being in proximity and getting captured on some camera makes you guilty of something, and so you can be denied service, debanked, whatevery they want to do; you have no recourse at all; they are judge, jury, and executioner; you no longer have rights.
Just eating at a politically incorrect place is all it takes.

Every social media post you ever make will be checked by "the machine" in real time to see if it adheres to "the narrative", and then they will deterimine what you can do and where you can go.

Its very indidious and very real.
This is just the beginning, and the tip of the iceberg.

Coming soon to a theater near YOU !!!
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Wait till they eventually do away with cash to make things "easier and more convenient" for the masses!
I think it's OK in moderation. I only belong to a couple of groups that are Model Engineering and small power related and also Wayne Grenning's full size FB pages. If they are closed groups the rubbish is kept out and discussion is not unlike on a forum.

I have my e-mail set up with a "social" section so any FB related stuff goes there and does not clutter my main inbox and I have notifications for that section turned off, Similar with a "promotions" section to separate that sort of "junk" but at least you will get adverts related to things you may actually want as they get to know your browsing and buying habbits. They will also suggest related FB groups which can often be of interest too.
Data mining and people as products is just absolutely everywhere now, even clothing chains use off the shelf telemetry products that scan peoples mobiles as they walk by and retrieve all the data they can, and then map them in databases so they can target advertising on screens nearby.

It's pretty scary stuff when you realise just how pervasive things are now!
So what I'm reading it's basically all about selling people things. Try to learn people's habits to predict what they need and try to sell them a product. Is that it?

How does a retailer scan my phone while I'm in there store?
Unfortunately this is the world in which we are living nowadays.
Being a System Analyst I have fighting against all these from years but having poor success or no success at all.
If you use FB, WhatsApp any social media platform or even if you have an Android cell phone you are screwed.
More than a hundred pieces of information are taken from every user account, not only your name and phone number but your likes, the way you use the platforms, what are you looking for, the web sites you visit, how much time you spent in every page, how many clicks you do, and so on...
If you have your location active in your phone they do know where you are and where you were and all your movements.
If you have a computer connected to Internet, an email address, a bank account, etc. you are screwed!
It won't be long before a child is born, they put a chip up his ass and that's it! You are screwed forever. :(

Anyway, have a happy Holidays and a great and prosperous new year!
Some people were concerned about the government giving you a 'chip' when you got a COVID shot, the insanity of that idea is that 99% of the population willingly carries one with them every day in their cell phone, the West's 'social credit system' is already well developed and ubiquitous, 'they' being the government and corporations, know more about you than you do, yourself.

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