Right size vise for the X3 mill.

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2010
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What size vise do you recommend for the X3 mill. I have a 4 inch in the shopping cart but I thought a 5 inch might be better. Any opinions on the matter would be appreciated.
You need to look at how much of the vice will hang out in the front of the table and still be reach the back jaw. I have a four inch vice on mine and it hangs out past the "Y" handle.. but I also have a three inch. and two inch and a couple of other vices to fit what ever job I might have.. I don't think you would ever be happy with just one vice. Kind of like clamps. You can't have enough.
Point well made. I also have several tool makers vises that will work. I did however manage to break a 4 inch standard milling vise about a year ago and I thought I would replace it when I buy the new mill. I had thought about a 5 inch vise but I figured it would be too big for the table. The mini mill is somewhat dwarfed by the 4 inch vise.

Thanks for the thoughts.
My vote is 4"

I did purchase a 5" vise to replace my aging 4" vise on my X3. It fits OK but it does overhang to the point that it's difficult to read the y axis handwheel. It adds a good bit of rigidity though so I use it for the big milling jobs (where handwheel readings often aren't an issue). But, as they say, you can't have too many vises. I did go back and buy a 4" vise which seems the best fit and if only one vise is to be had, that's the one I'd pick.

Of course the other thing to think about is the height.
it's no good having a great big vise if you put the job in it then can't get a cutter in the chuck.

Good point Roy. I did a quick measurement and I lose about 0.25" with my 5" compared to my 4", both inexpensive imports. YRMV.

The 4 inch is as large as I'd want on the X3 mill here. Best advice is to go with a Kurt style clone since its jaw blocks can be arranged to hold much much larger then 4 inches. I've had 8 inch metal clamped flat in mine with no problems. I had a screwless machinist vise and the Kurt design is head and shoulders above it for flexibility.... not to mention it pulls the part downward for much more accurate work holding with no fiddling about.

Ok guys, just to finalize the post. I ended up with the 5 inch Grizzly vise (they were out of the 4" and I said what the heck) and that thing is huge. I will keep and use it for the big stuff and I ordered a 4 screw less vise to use also. So far my favorite vise is a $39 tilting head drill press vise from Sears. It is checks out square in every direction and it quick and easy to use.

Thanks for all your input.
