Quarter Scale Merlin V-12

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For no good reason, I had always assumed that oil flows into one of these filters through its center hole and flows out through the surrounding holes. Fortunately, I did some checking before machining my mount and discovered that I've had it wrong all these years.

It simply will not flow the other way - the rubber seal behind the inlet holes acts as a non-return valve.
In most cases the filter is spring loaded ("oil bypass valve" in your diagram) and if it becomes clogged, this flap and filter can back up against the spring allowing unfiltered oil to flow through. The logic being dirty oil is much better than too little or no oil.

With some 1300 hp on tap, the Merlin's coolant system could be called upon to remove up to a megawatt in waste heat from the engine. In aero applications the engine was under the plane's cowling and didn't receive the full benefit of cooling air moving past it. Airframe manufacturers were typically required to add a hefty radiator below the engine. Low altitude strafing runs made the P-51's underside susceptible to damaging debris, and so a distributed set of radiators was eventually developed for it. Each of these radiators had a spring-loaded check valve that shut off coolant flow to it in the event of damage.

The tiny sample size (two) of actual running Quarter Scale Merlins, that I'm aware of, seems to show they are susceptible to overheating even while idling. Although a major cause for this could be limited coolant flow through the heads due to investment left behind by the casting process, I made earlier modifications to the coolant jackets in my particular engine to increase the coolant volume around its cylinders.

In addition, a belly radiator will be attached to the running stand just below the front of the engine. I considered fabricating a custom radiator from scratch but decided my time would be better spent packaging a pair of 80 mm radiators used by some of the PC gaming enthusiasts to cool their over-clocked components. I didn't include a link, but these radiators can be readily found in various sizes on Amazon or eBay by searching for 'PC Radiator.' I was dubious about their quality since they looked too good to be true at less than $10 each, and so I bought a spare that I cut open for inspection. I especially wanted to make sure there was an internal baffle separating the input and output fittings to ensure coolant would actually be forced to flow through the cooling tubes. I was impressed with their quality, and one of the 80 mm radiators would look right at home on the front of a model V8.

The combined core volume of the two radiators I used is 18 cubic inches. This is nearly equal to the Quarter Scale's displacement, but it's still half the cooling capacity I really wanted. Doubling the volume of the radiator below the engine would have spoiled the esthetics; and so to make up some of the difference, I'll likely add a coolant reservoir at the rear of the running stand.

I machined a housing to support the two radiators side-by-side with 12V cooling fans attached directly to their rear faces. Since the packaged radiators will be set back a considerable distance from the prop without a shroud, the fans were added in hopes of improving the efficiency of the radiators. The 30 cfm low profile fans pull a lot of air through the cores even without the high pressure area that will be created later on their front faces by the prop wash. The fans are set up to pull air through the cores from front to back, and it's possible they might even allow running the engine without a prop.

I've had a 6"x8"x2" chunk of aluminum in my scrap collection for years just waiting for the right project to justify hogging out its interior. After machining the block with the exterior features of the radiator housing, I turned a three-flute hogging end mill loose on its interior. The high chip rooster tails were a lot of fun to watch since I don't typically remove such high volumes of metal in a single operation. When finished, a couple hours later, I had a rather extravagant one pound housing and eight pounds of chips.

Since there was some excess real estate on the front of the radiator housing, I engraved the logo for North American Aviation, the manufacturer of the P-51 Mustang, across its top. This company later became part of North American Rockwell, which later became Rockwell International and is now a division of Boeing.

A pair of input hose barbs were turned from 303 stainless and mounted to the front of the housing. The housing's two inch thickness, though, became a limitation for some of the interconnecting hoses inside the housing. Although I pocketed the inside of the rear cover, there was still insufficient height to insure the two input hoses would remain kink-free. A couple of 90 degree automotive vacuum fittings seemed to solve the problem. A circular panel connector was added to bring the 12V power into the enclosure for the fans. Finally, each side of the assembly was pressure tested by plugging its output fitting and pulling a vacuum on its input fitting.

If the radiator housing looks overbuilt, it's because I plan on using it as a structural member in the running stand. The next step will be to design the stand. -Terry















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The 80mm radiators that you have are only a single tube, you can get the same size ones with twin and triple core. They may be more efficient than the single tube ones. The radiator setup you have done looks spectacular.

Another good source for small radiators are motorcycles .
They can be found in all kinds of sizes for little money .
My daughter's littke 50cc bike has a radiator thats about twice the palm of my hand .
I know , I had to weld it last year :)

About the engine , I do realise it is not what it is intended to , but as the original merlin had indeed over a 1000 Hp , what output would you expect from the 1/4 scale . If it would be simply scaled down that would still be 250 ish .
Wich is more then most cars round here in Europe .

About the engine , I do realise it is not what it is intended to , but as the original merlin had indeed over a 1000 Hp , what output would you expect from the 1/4 scale . If it would be simply scaled down that would still be 250 ish .
It does not work quite like that. Remember it is scaled in three dimensions. For a rough idea 1000 / ( 4 x 4 x 4 ) = about 16.
HI Terry,
The largest rad I have, capacity wise, on all of my engines is the one on my 302 V-8. At the time I built it, late 80's, there were no forum or Internet as we know it so building miniature engines was totally an experiment. When I completed the engine I played with several designs but didn't have much luck. I ended up going to an automotive radiator shop with the finished engine and explained what I needed. At that time you could still get rad core material in different sizes. These were used for heater cores. I purchased one that fit my size requirements and made the top and bottom tanks. Jump ahead 30 years. While finalizing the build of my Flathead engine I figured I would do the same thing but the industry has changed so I ended up making my own. The biggest problem with these little engines seems not to be in the water capacity but rather trying to get enough airflow through them. On my V8 there is only noticeable air flow when revving the engine up so when it sits idling the heat starts to build up and even with the good sized core it's just a matter of maybe two or three minutes before it needs to be shut down for a cooling period.
These little engines make a fair amount of heat, probably more than one would suspect, so trying to make 'scale' cooling systems just won't work.
I'm really looking forward to even just a couple of minutes of running of the engine. It should be glorious!
Hello George,
Regarding your 302 V-8 radiator do you have a couple of pictures of that radiator and the dimensions / capacity of the radiator?

Any information on the coolant flow through the radiator and its effectiveness re water temp in / water temp out / temp drop across radiator?

That information would be of great interest not only to me but I am sure to others as well, thanks.

Sorry Terry, did not want to interfere with your excellent post and description but was itching to ask George these questions.

Peter J.
I think you're definitely right about the major problem being airflow through the radiator. The tiny spaces through the core of a model engine radiator present a significant resistance to flow; and without a proper shroud, the air being pulled in by even a well-designed fan will just come in from around the sides of the radiator. Shrouds can be a pain to make and can detract from the engine's appearance, and so many of us leave them out. Jerry Howell, though, got it right on his V-4.

On an aero engine with a big spinning prop there will be a high pressure area built up on the front face of the radiator. This should help force some the air through the core, but how much is difficult to estimate. I suspect that the further back the radiator is placed, the less air will flow through it. Again, there's a compromise with esthetics. I added the fans on the Quarter Scale's radiators to guarantee a minimum flow, but they will be on/off switchable in case I get lucky, and the prop pushes more air through the cores than I'm expecting. - Terry
Assuming you're going to demo this and the other radials at shows, I guess that like George they won't be run for very long at a time. And with a big prop, it'll be outdoors. If you were to bring it to CF or NAMES, can the engine run indoors successfully without a prop?
I don't want to get ahead of myself, but the single run of the original Quarter Scale prototype memorialized on Youtube by its original designer, was made without a prop. With a cylinder firing every 60 crankshaft degrees, the inertia of the prop probably isn't as important for keeping an engine running as it would be on a one or two cylinder engine. Most of the V-4 and V8 models I've seen don't have significant inertial loads.
I don't think I'd try running one of my radials without its prop. Those engines would probably heat up pretty quickly without the prop wash to cool them. It's pretty scary standing close to either of them, but especially the 18 cylinder, while it's running. If I'm lucky enough to get the Quarter Scale running, it'll probably be even scarier. - Terry
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FYI some of those warbird belly radiators were raised up and down via a hand crank to prevent stone damage during take off and landing.
If you came in to land with your wheels up or your radiator down you would have a red flare shot at you by the ground crew to remind you.
Followed by a chewing out by the squadron leader.

Much of the progress on the running/display stand for the Quarter Scale was pretty slow and frustrating due mainly to the difficulties I had in getting started. I spent lots of hours trying to come up with something that looked good, but the functional requirements I had placed on it kept getting in my way. For example, to make storage and transport a little easier, I wanted a stand that would support the engine high enough above its base to clear a 26" prop. The resulting tall proportions, though, detracted from the engine's appearance, and a lowly coolant reservoir that's yet to be made will end up at eye level. The stability of the whole assembly, especialły while the engine is running will also have to be watched due to its high center of gravity.

I didn't want to settle for four boring legs sticking up from a baseplate, but the already completed radiator and oil filter had specific locations where they needed to be mounted. More complication came from another requirement that the stand not block access to the engine for maintenance and minor tweaks later on. This meant unfettered access to pretty much everything aft of the engine's rear motor mount.

To gather some ideas and help me get started, I studied all the online photos I could find of statically displayed full-size Merlins. With no need for a prop or running gear, most of the stands I saw were pretty well proportioned and looked at home under their engines. Youtube examples of stands supporting full-size running engines, though, seemed give priority to function over form and lacked the novelty I was looking for. I came away with a real appreciation for why the three quarter scale Merlins for which I've seen photos were all displayed in faux aircraft mounts.

I began my design by using an Apple iPen and tablet to sketch dozens of concepts directly on photos taken of my engine sitting on its assembly stand. When I had something that I thought was worth a second look, I created a detailed model of it in a SolidWorks assembly that included a crude model of the engine. These iterations went on for more than a week until I had come full circle and was back to one of my very first sketches.

My final design consisted of four tall legs sticking up from a baseplate. I tried to make the legs look less tall and a little more interesting by fashioning each from a pair of mitered square tubes. I even added a pair of compound intersections to the front legs which I knew would complicate their construction. At this point, though, I was so impatient to start welding that I ignored the fabrication difficulties that I was building into the stand.

It's very important that the mounting pads on the top ends of the four stand supports end up in the same plane so the Quarter Scale's cast motor mounts are not stressed when the engine is bolted down to them. I've learned from working with these castings that the heat treated metal can range in consistency from gummy to brittle, and I didn't want one of the final steps in the project to end up cracking or twisting the crankcase. I was pretty sure that after all the welding on the stand was completed, the tall supports wouldn't be rigid enough to allow any residual distortion to be removed by machining. And so, the fixturing and finish welding needed to be carefully planned.

The stand was fabricated from one inch square tubing having an 1/8" wall thickness. I began by rough cutting the tube lengths for the supports on a bandsaw and then carefully milling their ends for the best possible fit-ups. The first few pieces were cut extra long since I expected a few tries would be needed to get my brain wrapped around the setups required on the mill. At the same time, I also began fabricating the fixtures to support the mitered pairs during welding. After struggling with the fixturing nightmare I had created, I went back into the design and modified it to use a common angle for all the joints including the compound ones. This also helped reduce the confusion I had been dealing with while trying to keep straight the parts for the port and starboard sides of the stand. Using a common angle required only a single simple welding fixture since the supports on either side of the stand were now identical.

After welding up the four individual leg assemblies I was able to grind their top mounting pad surfaces before finally welding them to the stand's framework. After welding the leg assemblies to the stand, I relieved the stresses with a torch while keeping the four ends with the mounting pads still clamped to their fixture plate. After the assembly had cooled, the mounting pads were coplanar within a thousandth or so which was much better than I had expected. The fixturing and welding sequences had done their jobs, but the long sides of the stand's frame ended up with a slight bow that created an annoying rock when the stand was sitting on a flat surface. There was no way to correct the frame without affecting the alignment of the mounting surfaces, and so I just welded pads on the bottom four corners of the frame to raise it slightly above the bow.

I couldn't yet plan the locations of the running gear that will eventually be added to the stand to support the running engine since none of it has yet been designed. Hopefully, inspiration for it will arrive after the engine has been sitting on the stand for a while. The various tanks, gages, and electrical hardware will be located behind the engine, and so I welded a pair of vertical brackets to the rear of the stand to support them. A vertical row of through-holes was drilled and tapped in each one so the various components can be individually added later as modular assemblies. I also welded a pair of cross supports to the floor of the stand to support a drip tray.

This completed the fabrication of the stand. After verifying it actually fit the engine, the stand was primed and painted a shade of military green. The stand was too large to fit in an oven to cure Gun Kote, and so I used (rattle can) Rustoleum which I've used for many of my projects over the years. The color I wanted wasn't available in one of their gas resistant automotive paints. Their non-automotive paints aren't promoted for their gas and oil resistance, but I've found they stand up pretty well if allowed to cure for a week or so before exposure to them. - Terry















WHAT A BEAUTY!!!! I have been following the creation of this jewel and it amazes me, thank you for sharing this process, documentation and your great work! waiting for the sound.
Terry .

That is an absolute beauty. The stand is just right as well.

Love your radiator.

A stand befitting a masterpiece! Not much else to say.
That's a beauty what a marvelous art.

I would suggest making a scale P-51 Mustang Spinner shape.
If you want I could send you the drawings or the 3D file I have.

Cheers, Roger.