I'm on vacation...trying to keep up with my reading on the forum...but this is an important topic...and somebody made the mistake of mentioning my name ;D
Some (rambling) thoughts...but don't look for any answers...
It seems more often than not, that when people join this forum, they first comment on how the members treat each other. The helpfulness, the interest in others' work, the concerns, etc., we can all continue adding to this sentence and fill a page.
Much of this is reflected in the nominations and responses in the POM threads. That is, there are many many reasons why a person is nominated or voted for. I believe this is why the thread was changed from Engine of the Month to Project of the Month.
Obviously, this forum is about the people...not the projects.
Yes, I was flabbergasted that my project was nominated. But it's a good example of the above. It wasn't just MY engine. It wasn't just MY project. It was a group of people helping me AND OTHERS learn, develop, and accomplish.
On the face of it, I think many of the suggestions for improving the process are good and certainly well-intentioned. But I'm a firm believer that everything carries a cost. If you make something more restrictive, you'll exclude something you wanted. If you make it too flexible, you'll include things you don't think belong.
In short, you won't satisfy everyone.
For example, I initially liked the idea of 'newbie vs experienced' but I recognize two immediate problems with it. For one, there are times when there are insufficient projects. I don't think anyone wants to nominate a project just to fill a quota. Unfair to everyone especially the 'owner(s)'. Secondly, this kind of thing requires people to have a common definition. I consider myself a newbie (and I am) but there are members out there who seem intent to call me something more (and I am). It's all relative.
The name change itself actually poses a problem. Engine of the Month implies a project is not required. Project of the Month implies an engine is not required? When are either considered done?
Maybe all we need are guidelines. (Don't we have that already?) And we should consider something else that this forum is all about....pics. We want pics (and videos if possible) and we want to see things being built as they are being built. (Don't we?)
It just seems that a project should be a series of steps coming to a conclusion. We shouldn't nominate based solely on a conclusion.
Maybe the real problem is the picture of the winner in the top right. We all talk about how all the nominees are winners. Maybe leave it at that. Maybe have the picture rotate through the nominees? Like I said...no answers here. Whatever is done, someone is going to feel slighted.
Maybe leave it alone. If we believe in what was said about this forum, then a number of guidelines have already been suggested in this thread.
Sorry. Like I said, I'm on vacation and I'm in terrible/wonderful shape this morning...IF you know what I mean. ;D