Thats realy impressive. You are doing magic.Transmission gears test
I’m thinking that you’re not going to run the 24 hours of LeMans, so redundancy on oil pumps (even though that may have been a secondary consideration/benefit of the original design) probably is unnecessary. Chances are you’ll see what the end of circuit oil pressure looks like before it becomes critical.The hydraulic circuit of a Porsche 917 dry sump engine , but I have simplified the scheme a lot, no oil tank , non oil cooler ,I don't have to do race.
View attachment 130508
I see very few layer lines on the casting. Do you just sand the patterns, sand and fill them, or something else? How big is the casting? Judging from the fingers in the picture, I'm guessing it's about 4 inches long?
So is this casting still usable, or will you re-cast it?
I get it that the oil seal stops leaks around the crankshaft as it's rotating, allowing the crank to be pressurized by the oil chamber. But what seals the oil chamber to the crankcase? Is there a gasket that is yet to be installed? Leaving it out for now would be understandable if you're just checking the fit of the parts.