Yeah, Ron I now There'll be a bit of supply challenge to this project, I;ve got some steam experience,,so not totaly new to the issues. I've been thinking about this for some time, then I saw some vid's on youtube by "Lynx Steam",,,and the light bulbs started going off.His rocket stove, with the electronic water control is the basic route I'm thinking of going. I'VE TRIED CONTACYING HIM ,TO DISCUSS SOME THINGS, BUT HAVEN'T HEARD BACK YET. ooops, cap locks,,sorry, not yelling
I'm thinking that what I want is about twice the size of the C6,, 3ish dia. x 5ish stroke. Haven't been able to find anything like that yet,,, so if anybody knows of plans , or castings , or any info on engine that size ,a friendly point in the right direction would be appreciated .