Of course this is NOT home workshop! Having to 'Work' takes away whatever we we have in this limited existence

My thoughts on a mere 36 years of retirement were, on reflection, not long enough.
So back to GHT and I had a quick look at the alternative drawings-- and note that a Mr Riley alltered the GHT turret to one parting blade and-- another lathe tool.
Somewhere else, and a long time ago, the rear turret was further modified to take things like boring tools.
From where I sit, this parting off thing- which is merely at the making washer stage, has to advance and not only slice rectangular and irregular material but go on to such things as making tee slots around the periphery of a rotary table or- in my case on the Quorn T&C, a continuous angle cut to add limits or stops.
As some say, it's all go!
The old site was that of a Chris Heapy, Sadly, very little seems to be left