Here's another video of my opposed 4 engine. As you can see, I've finished the base for it. From the bottom up, the first piece was made from 3" channel iron. The next piece was carved out of chunk of aluminum, 1 3/4" x 3/4" x 4" - the holes are 3/8" diameter. The vertical piece and the piece supporting the engine are both made from magnesium. Again, I really like machining that stuff.
Had a bit of excitement in the shop yesterday. I was grinding and polishing the steel base for the engine on my belt grinder, and I forgot that I had been grinding and sanding the magnesium pieces on the same belt grinder. A few seconds after the sparks start flying from the steel piece, I had a wall of fireworks move across the top of my bench. there was quite an accumulation of magnesium dust on my bench top and it made quite the sparkler. Luckily there was nothing flammable on the bench top and the fireworks didn't really generate enough heat to cause any damage, but it was breathtaking for a few seconds.
I also had one of the silver solder joints on my built up crankshaft let go a couple of days ago. I cleaned it up and locktited it back together. I also pinned it with a 3/32 roll pin. I think it will hold now.