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Sep 13, 2012
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Hi all, I just wanted to post to say hi to all and congrats on a great site, what I have seen so far. My name is Weppo, and although I am not entirely new to machine shop work, making model engines is a new and exciting concept to me. I am an ex plant mechanic, so have a broad basic knowledge, but have a heck of a lot more to learn. My pride and joy is an old myford ml7 with a cupboard full of accessories (some of which I have no idea about) that I inherited some years back.

I look forward to corresponding with you in the future

Cheers weppo.
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Hi and welcome Weppo. Post some pictures and we shall identify them.
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Hi Weppo
Welcome to this great Forum website.
Like you,me too has good plant engineering/production/design experience,having worked with a worldwide american company.Now happily retired and building model steam/gas engines.

Gus from faraway Singapore.
A warm welcome to the forum Weppo, I too was a plant mechanic for many years, I'm sure you will love it here too!
Welcome from England Weppo

I'm an ML7 man too mine is K23999 she was made in 1953 which makes her older than me, and she is called Millie.

They are great little lathes and like yours mine is my pride and joy. Spares for them are getting pretty expensive now since Myford collapsed just over a year ago. Their spares business was taken over and the new outfit want big bucks for them so if you are planning any refurb work now would be a good time to do it before the prices go through the roof.

Regards Mark