Pleased to report that everything is now bolted down nice and sturdy. I'm ready to make chips ... in a year, when i have time away from school
Also nabbed a "shop-vac" - which is really just a homedepot branded vacuum motor that clamps on to a standard 5 gallon bucket, for $22. Not a bad price, if you ask me
The list is getting smaller, though:
- Lathe currently has carriage removed, to get a pattern drawn onto the .020" aluminum sheet that will be used to make the gear guard (even from my little bit of goofing around there was some brass chips in the gears) (pattern is drawn, just need to cut it to size/shape and superglue it on or doublesided tape or something.)
- 4-jaw needs to be cleaned before use with the square stock
- lathe bit grinding needs to be learned better to get more consistent finish on the brass (and probably aluminum)
- Oilstone things are needed to assist with the previous item.
- plans need to be printed for the EZ so I don't need the laptop in the shop with a barely functional wifi signal to view them...
- Time needs to be found in order to do the above, as well as make room for classes, and still enjoy something of life. Going back to school at 32, with a full-time over-time job ought to prove interesting.
Thanks again everyone for the invaluable advice given thus far. Hopefully next weekend I can start a thread in Work In Progress.
- Ryan
- Edit : Also need to add a parting bit holder to the list. and might need smaller parting bits. seems that thin little piece of metal can't be held in a turret toolpost. Don't know if there's room for a holder that can hold a 5/16" parting tool ... and I'm not making another trip up to Grizzly, will have to find something online. Suggestions welcome.