Well-Known Member
WE live a far more quiet life. So we do not have parties or event which require any official being called to attendance as witness to the excessive festivities. ha ha
I have several projects in my head and parts and pieces in the shop.
1. The Acute Tool Sharpening System
2. Dual Dial Gauge Mill Tramming Tool
3. Flywheel based Fly Cutter using a Tangential tool cutter.
Currently I am looking into refinishing the Workbench tops with a clear Epoxy Resin surface.
Has anyone use this type of finish in their shop and if so do you have any recommendations.
The Acute T&C is a very simple construction and can be built from scrap- perhaps excluding the table.
Contrary to the local experts(
There IS a very good video from Eccentric in Oz of how the thing is made and also to use it.
I simply took o the esign for its simplicity and whilst I have a fair idea what it will not do, I'm more than happy what it will.
The book of drawings for each part is outstanding and I have built a Quorn and a Stent- and more.
To attempt to keep up with Frazer( I jest), I am sort of fiddling with a `Potts.
To have a look, Google--- Potts-- and mine is built from castings from Woking Precision Models( taken over by Heminhwaykits) and -- wait for it-- a 9 hole golf-- no, a division plate. It's ancient but it is a keen collectors item