New Square

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2007
Reaction score
Seems good!

I'll check it out and report.


Ooooooo! It's nice and shiny, and a reasonable bit of wood, so even if it's not real square ..... ;)

It is a nice bit of wood....but I'm hoping its a really nice square! :big:


I like those squares I have a couple of the smaller ones from enco . I have one about that size as well.Starret box import square. It came with my Kenedy box the guy was a machinist then went into management. he let the shop guys use his box. unfortunately most of the good stuff was pillaged. some performed a sitcheroo on the square.
A Very, Very nice square, A bit hard to make out, But it looks to be one of those really well made Lufkins? It also looks to be in about brand new condition. I recognise that ruler real well, So I know about that Ebay seller. How was your experience with him? I've yet to hear anything bad about that seller. Not thru that dealer, But I finally managed to find after more than a year of looking, A pristene example of a very late model B&S 558 Cylindrical Square. It also comes in a great wooden box. The plastic storage boxes today just really aren't the same.

OK Pete! You caught me. :big:
Yes it's a Lufkin..a 6" master precision square...funny how you knew that ::)

I've had good luck so far with that individual. I'd buy again from him.

I checked out the square, with what I have, and it's as good if not better than the .0002"/6" advertised by Lufkin

That's some kinda tough to measure in the usual home shop.....

I checked it on both edges against my plate and they are quite straight and the heavy side wrung right down on the plate, albiet a bit hollow in the center....but not by much

I then checked it against my cylindrical square...or at least what I use as a cylindrical square,,,a test part from a part run off 25 years ago at Heald machine. it's kinda short but it's crazy marking up the diameter with a very thin coating and doing a rub against the blade....dead OK the first inch is good....

I then put it up against my freshly scraped jig block from a recent thread and held it up to a bright light....NOTHING...light tight.....OK were getting somewhere here....I'm told you can see a tenth with the light test....and it shows up as a bright little rainbow.....I can see nothing

I then tried the ball end of the indicator stand /dial indicator trick for squareness, and compared it to my jig block....they read the same .....maybe a couple of tenths....This test is only a comparison test, and they could both be way off, and....I'm not a very tactile individual under those condtions....but when you put all the tests makes a pretty compelling case.

So I'd comfortably say its as good as advertized by Lufkin if not better.

oh and it and the nice piece of wood that came with it have been carefully put away in my toolbox!.... :big:

LOL, Well for all intents and purposes well call it "Good enough". That would be a very pricey master square if bought new today from Starrett or Mitutoyo. Plus no cool wooden box either. That score is even better than I'd thought. I'd heard Lufkin made really good metrology equipment. Now I know for sure that was true. Totally amazing how gems like that show up every once in awhile.

Hmmm .... I think you should get those results verified by a third party - if you send it to, erm..... me, f'instance, I will be happy to help.
Hi Ya Hilmar!

I'm sorry but it appears the link is broken.....96" verniers ! wow!

tel said:
Hmmm .... I think you should get those results verified by a third party - if you send it to, erm..... me, f'instance, I will be happy to help.

Ahhh Tel....Thanks Buddy! ::) :big:
Great looking square steamer! Thm:

On the large vernier topic, the shop I used to work for had a 120" Mitutoyo vernier caliper.
It took 3 people to use it accurately.

One person held the "dumb" end on the fit to be measured, on person operated the thimble on the
"smart" end and the third person had to support the middle of the caliper to eliminate any sag in the

That sag could amount to as much at as a .005" error in the reading.

During the last few years not having had anywhere suitable for a workshop, I have been accumulating bits and pieces of tooling with a future workshop in mind.
Recently I managed to clear a corner of the garage for a workbench, but I soon found that my tool collection acquired with no particular logic is not only missing some of the basics, but also contains some unnecessary duplication. As a result I have resorted to "eBaying" off the duplication, using the funds to fill in the gaps.

One of the first things to go was a set of old Moore & Wright Squares (2", 3" & 4") in a wooden box. As also having a brand new unblemished set of far Eastern squares the M&W set seemed superfluous to my needs.


Fortunately I had a change of heart and cancelled the listing within minutes of placing it before anyone had a chance to bid. Although the logical choice would have been to have kept the new set these are just too nice to go, so now instead somewhere on eBay there is a brand new set of far Eastern squares looking for a home and hopefully the M&W set have still retained their accuracy.

Nice score Dave,
I've never thought to check my 4" Lufkin square but have always used it with the utmost confidence. I hope that I can interest my grandson in hobby machining so that my fathers tools can be passed down through the family.
Rick, Miner and Clivel,

Thanks for your interest and support! Welcome Clivel! I think you won't regret your decision to keep a good tools!


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